Chapter 3

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I woke up at six in the morning just to avoid waking up at the same time as Isaac, and having to deal with him. He still hasn't given me my phone back and I don't know if I am allowed to step out of this mansion now that he's returned.

I picked out my outfit for the day, showered and was ready to blow dry my hair when I remembered Isaac is still sleeping, he'll wake up because of the noise and then he'll get an excuse to get angry at me, he was lying there on the bed, his breathing steady, he was in a deep sleep for sure.

I put the blow dryer back in it's place with a frown on my face and looked at myself in the mirror, I think I've lost some weight and my face looks dull.... deciding to air dry my hair naturally I thought of not putting any make-up on for today because it doesn't matter, it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone here.

"Get over yourself, you're not that pretty" I got startled and turned around only to see him sitting upright, when did he wake up?

"What?" I asked in confusion, removing the duvet from his body he stood up and went straight for the bathroom ignoring me.

This man and his vile mouth, I didn't respond and decided to leave, arguing with him will be of no good for me.

Closing the door behind me I walked straight towards the library but I was so caught up inside my brain that I didn't see someone coming towards me, my body collided with whoever it was and I stumbled back a little.

"Oh god I'm so sorry" I mumbled and looked at the person standing infront of me, it was Ethan, I immediately recognised him not because I've seen his photograph before or something but because of his eyes, they're similar to Isaac's ; blue, big and beautiful, the only difference between them was that his eyes looked kind and gentle whilst Isaac's always looked cold and threatening.

"You're married to my brother, don't you think it's inappropriate for you to stare at me for so long" he said breaking my trance, he had a sheepish smile on his face and my face turned red with embarrassment.

"It's- no-not" I stuttered and he waved his hand to shush me "Oh I was just kidding, don't get so flustered" he said nonchalantly and I just nodded.

"I have to say though, you're pretty, too pretty for my cold hearted big brother" he said with a chuckle and I giggled at his remark, his cold hearted big brother just told me I'm not pretty enough and here, his younger brother is saying the opposite.... oh the irony!

"Thank you" I said, I've been told I'm pretty before but I can never get used to compliments like these, they always make me feel a little uneasy, I cleared my throat and asked "So when did you arrive? I didn't know you'll be coming this early in the morning.

"Aren't you happy to finally see your brother-in-law?" he asked back and I shook my head no "It's not like that, I was just asking... anyways you must be hungry and tired after the long journey, come let's eat breakfast and then you can rest" and with that we both went to the kitchen, I asked the maids to make whatever Ethan wanted to eat and it was for the first time in nine days that I wasn't eating breakfast alone.

We talked throughout breakfast trying to get to know each other a little and when breakfast was finished Ethan went to the guest bedroom to get some rest and said that he'll greet Isaac later.

Isaac on the other hand was still in his bedroom, I wonder why it's taking him so long to get ready for the day or maybe he just wants to avoid running into me and then I remembered that it's sunday today.

I decided to spend my time reading so I headed towards the library, it'll be good if I just lock myself in there until lunchtime, my mood was slightly better than what it had been in the past week, Phil's visit yesterday, meeting Ethan today have actually cheered me up quite a bit, Phil was right, Ethan really is very different from Isaac, he's easygoing, knows how to act politely and has a very friendly nature.

The library is upstairs and I guess curiousity got the best of me when I decided to peek inside the bedroom I share with my husband, I thought Isaac must be sleeping or something but he was pacing from one corner to the other with his phone pressed to his ear, he looked angry "You're no one-" before he could complete his sentence his eyes landed on me and he cut the call.

With an angry countenance he dashed towards me "You've been eavesdropping?" he asked grabbing my arm forcefully as I cried out in pain "No, I came just now to-" I didnt finish my sentence because I know he wouldn't believe me, he still wasn't letting go of my arm and it hurt.

"To?" he asked and tears started rolling down my cheeks, since we were standing on the doorway, he pulled me inside forcefully and finally let go of my arm, I stumbled a little and my back hit the wall adjacent to the door, I was scared, really scared of what he'd do next.

"Tell me" he demanded and my lips quivered in fear, I've been acting quite strong infront of him all this time but right now, at this moment I was terrified of him.

His gaze was so deadly, I feared he'd hurt me again if I don't say anything "To check in on you, I-I" I couldn't finish my sentence because Isaac turned around abruptly, his back was facing me.

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