Chapter 13

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"My father, his last wish was that I marry you and that's the reason why I said yes... I wanted to and still want to honour him but I know if he saw me and you together he'd dissaprove" she said with her voice almost choking towards the end.

"Okay" was all I said after hearing what she's been trying to tell me since yesterday.

"Really?" she asked clasping her hands together like a little kid.

"Yes" I replied back, I don't know if she's telling the truth or not, it can be that she's lying about our marriage being arranged years ago, I need to talk with dad about this matter but until then, I guess I'll just have to agree with her. Her divorcing me is all I want.

"That's great... thank you so much for understanding" she said looking me straight in the eyes and for the first time since we have gotten married she gave me a genuine smile before walking out of the room.

I got ready for the day and went downstairs to have breakfast, she wasn't there so it was only me and Ethan, eating our breakfast with an awkward silence surrounding us. He has tried a few times since yesterday to talk with me but I dismissed him every time because I don't want to hear how he fell for the daughter of our enemy.

"Hey could you give me a ride to the office?" he asked a little hesitantly and I shook my head no "You have a perfectly fine car of your own, use it" and with that I got up and left before he could say anything else.

The day passed by in a blur, meetings after meetings and then the only thing left for me to handle was Jack's party tonight which he told me to attend with my wife... if only he knew what she truly was.

Everyone seems to fall for her innocent act and not see her for what she really is ; a cold hearted bitch who's after my money.

My mind went back to the conversation we both had this morning, I was having a hard time believing her, there's no guarantee that she'd divorce me after six months, what if it's just a part of her plan, I can't believe she dragged her dead father into this as well, how can it be possible that dad decided all this with her father and never told me about it even once?

Pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration I sighed heavily before something hit my mind... yes that would be perfect.

Picking up my cellphone from the table I called my lawyer, I think I've found a solution after all.


"What's this?" she asked as I handed her the blue file.

"An agreement where you simply agree to divorce me after six months" I stated and her eyes went wide.... gotcha!

She read the contents of the file carefully, her eyes scanning every word, a deep frown took over her face as she closed the file and kept it aside, I knew she wouldn't sign it... gold digger!

"What's wrong? Can't hold your side of the deal?" I asked feeling absolutely disgusted by this woman.

"It's not like that, I see you've added a few things which aren't supposed to be there" she said eyeing the file.

"Like what?" I asked getting irritated by her.

"I've said you before and I'm saying it again, I don't need your money, it's clearly written in there that I'll recieve a million dollars after we get divorced which is something I don't want or need from you!" she exclaimed, her tone getting a little harsh towards the end.

Now I was certain she's planning something, maybe a way to steal half my property I guess, a million dollars isn't enough for her, she wants more.

"I'll give you three"

"Three what?"

"Three million dollars" I said finally hoping she caves in.

"Are you fucking insane? In what language do I have to tell you that I don't need your fucking money!" she raised her voice which was laced with nothing but anger now.

God this woman is insane, I don't think I'll ever be able to figure her out but I have to, I need to.

"Okay, I'll get that part corrected and then you'll have to sign those papers, I won't take no for an answer then" I said calmy, keeping my irritation and anger towards her at bay.

"Rest assured Mr. Reid, I won't give you 'no' for an answer" she raked her fingers through her hair, a sign of frustration I guess and went back to reading some shitty book which she was reading since before I arrived.

"Get ready, we need to attend Jack's birthday party" I commanded and she stopped reading, her eyes met mine and I could see the hesitation in them.

"I'm not well, I don't think I can go today" she said her tone incredibly calm, for a moment I didn't believe she was the same girl who almost shouted at me a few minutes ago.

"You know very well I won't take no for an answer, you said we'll have to pretend for six months so let's pretend" I said firmly.

Her shoulders slouched and she heaved a sigh before closing the book and getting up from the couch, taking the hair-tie that was on her wrist she  tied her hair into a messy bun and marched towards the closet.

She came out after about ten minutes wearing a red dress with long sleeves and a deep v-neck, it was long enough to cover her knees but the way it cling to her body like second skin was way too distracting.

She picked up the bottle of foundation that she kept on the dressing table but put it back down, looking at the items she had sprawled on the small table she decided to pick up some lipstick and eyeliner in her hand and went straight for the bathroom.

She came out after about ten minutes with red lips and eyes that looked mesmerizing after being lined with black liner, it wasn't too much but it was just enough to make her innocent doe like eyes look sexy.

She put on a pair of wedges and turned towards me announcing she's ready to go.

I shaked myself out from fantasizing about her eyes and the way she looked tonight, and got ready for the night which I know is going to be a long one.

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