Chapter 4

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As soon as she said that she just wanted to check in on me I came back to my senses, what was I doing?

I turned around and created some distance between us, I didn't want to do something that I'll regret later.

"Leave" I ordered.

"No" she said in an angry tone, I turned around to face her, she really was testing me today, her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were bloodshot "What did you say?" I asked in annoyance, I don't have time for stupid stuff like this.

"I said no, I won't leave... not until I give you a piece of my mind" she said in a challenging tone narrowing her eyes at me, she thinks she can intimidate me? Great.

"I've had enough of your drama, ever since we got married you've been nothing but cruel to me. I know we don't like each other but you can atleast try and be civil" she said.

"And why should I be civil to you? You mean nothing to me" I scoffed and she nodded saying "You're right... I mean nothing to you and that's why you treat me in the most miserable way possible but I won't tolerate your nonsense if you try to hurt me again, I'm not that weak" and with that she wiped her face with her hands, turned around, opened the door and walked out in a hurry.

I stood there for a good minute trying to figure out the woman who's my so called wife... she wants me to be civil to her, she wants me to treat her nicely after she destroyed my life by agreeing to marrying me.

I have no idea why dad likes her so much so that he made her his daughter-in-law and my wife, I know she's his best friend's daughter and dad feels like she's his responsibility after her father died but making her my wife wasn't his best idea.

Dad has always been quite open minded, he always gave me the freedom to make my own decisions but he practically blackmailed me into marrying her and the only reason I agreed was because I didn't want to disappoint him and I didn't want to make him unhappy.

I was only ten years old when mom passed away, Ethan was five, dad could've easily found himself another gorgeous wife but he didn't, instead he became our mother and father both, he had a business to run, he was a very busy man but he still found time for me and Ethan.... he worked so damn hard for us and now it was our turn to make him proud.

Dad knows very well that I'd never love her or treat her as my wife but he kept insisting me that she's the person I need in my life, according to him ; she'll make me a better man.

I don't know about better but she's definitely bringing out the worst in me, today was the first day she showed any sort of anger towards me, ever since our marriage all she has done is listen to everything I've said with a nod of her head, no protests, no arguments, nothing.

I know it may sound a little weird but it's her silence which makes me hate her even more, it's like she's ready to face any sort of challenge I throw towards her just so she can continue being my wife and hold that status and power in society.

I had my reasons to not say no to this arranged marriage but she willingly agreed to it, she could've said no easily but she didn't.... how could I not believe that all she's after is my money? She married a complete stranger just so she could live a luxurious life and that's exactly what I'm giving her ; a luxurious life where she stays in this villa day and night with dozens of maids and fancy stuff, where she doesn't need to work to earn money and where I control her life the way I want to. I will make her regret marrying me.

She is a tough nut to crack but I'm known for my ruthless ways.

My eyes landed on her phone that I've kept on the nightstand, she hasn't tried to get it back or even asked me about it, she seems so unfazed by these things, it's actually annoying.

I grabbed her phone from the nightstand and switched it on, taking a seat on the couch I tried to open it knowing very well that I have no idea about what her passcode could be but to my luck she's stupid enough to keep something as simple and silly as '12345' her passcode.

I looked at her wallpaper and scoffed, it was some quote which read 'If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more' how romantic and cheesy.

I know I shouldn't be doing this but I can't help it, she acts so mysterious all the time.

I opened her gallery and started scrolling through her photos, there weren't many photos of her in there, it was mostly just her family many of whom I saw at the wedding, friends, nature, books and a guy kissing her.... wait, is this guy her boyfriend? Lover? Ex?

A sudden knock at the door interupted me "Come in" I said switching her phone off again and keeping it back on the nightstand.

It was Ethan, I got up from the couch and approached him, a huge smile was visible on his face as we hugged each other after almost a year "So good to see you" I said as we pulled apart.

"You too big brother, can't believe you're a married man now" he commented and I faked a smile, he has no idea how my married life actually is.

"I have to say though she's very pretty" he praised her and I rolled my eyes at him, typical Ethan, I'm guessing he has already met her "Yea yea don't forget she's your sister-in-law.... now tell me what's going on in your life?" I asked him and we sat down for a good brotherly talk after a very long time.

Though my mind kept drifting towards the guy whose photos were in her phone gallery, if I succeed in proving that she has an affair with someone I'll be able to get out of this marriage easily.

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