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it was many hours later, and summer was getting tired. so instead of falling asleep at the wheel and killing someone, summer decided to do the smart thing and get a hotel.

"1 room please," the exhausted summer mumbled to the lady at the front desk, avoiding eye contact. the woman smiled and clicked a few keys, before exchanging summers card and handing back a room key.

summer got to her room and smiled, knowing this was the best thing shed seen in 12 hours. she took a shower and changed into the clothes she always keeps in her trunk, before getting into the bed and scrolling on her phone, checking her texts.


I'm sorry for today
I just went numb after seeing an Instagram post from a Rylee in Vermont

summer was not surprised that lily left her on read. she kinda expected it, but it still hurt. because she knows about Rylee and the way summer reacts to things about her and her past. after apologizing to everyone and getting left on delivered, summer had one last person to text. a person she knew was awake.


I'm so so so sorry
look ik it was a shitty thing to do, but if you knew why I did it I think you'd understand.

summer its alr
why did you do it?

I can't tell you
it will just get worse.
but I will be going back tmr
tell lily I love her please? she isn't as forgiving.

drive safe c.

I will

summer felt tears coming to her eyes, Matt was the only one awake other than lily, and he didn't get mad at her. she wasn't crying of sadness per se, but more of emptiness.

the next morning, summer had gone downstairs ready to go home, when she saw a tow truck grabbing her car. she ran over and yelled for them to stop, but by the time she had gotten there they were gone.

the funny part is, she knew who was at fault for the whole thing.

her mother, she has summers AAA and probably said there was something wrong, now the car was on its way back to Boston.

summer sighed and went towards her room, struggling to figure out what to do. her only choice was to call the only person who knew how to drive, and wasn't mad at her.

*incoming call from: summer*

"c, what's up?" matts voice asked worryingly as summer sat against her hotel room door, crying.

"I need you to come get me" she sobbed, listening to matt get up from wherever he was and rush out.

"what? why? what happened?" he asked, sounding as he left a building.

"just come please, my mom towed my car and I'm stranded in a random hotel, I'm scared matt. I'm really scared."

"Okay I'm coming, send me the address" matt comfortingly said, summer hanging up and texting him the address.

somehow matt got there in only 2 hours, he knocked on the hotel door and waited. the brunette girl had never run to a door so fast, opening it and embracing the boy in a hug right away. he was taken aback as the girl wrapped her arms around his neck and gripped him tightly, but eventually, he returned the action by gripping her waist tightly.

summer hated that she made him come so far, but she was thankful that he did.

she cried into his shoulder, never wanting to let go of him. she took in a deep breath of him, smelling the cologne he always wore. it wasn't an annoying scent, it was quite comforting actually.

"summer, what happened?" he asked after they let go and walked into the hotel room, summer wiping the tears off her face.

"I don't- I don't know, I woke up this morning and AAA was towing my car. I think it was my mom," she explained, leaning against the counter and trying to clean up the smeared makeup with her hoodie.

"summer, I am so sorry" he sympathized, knowing she must've been feeling crazy things.

"no, no I'm sorry for making you come all the way here. I would've caught a train or something but I am out of money," she sniffled, looking away from him.

"don't be. let's just get you home." he smiled, grabbing her hand and leading her towards the door.

45 minutes later, the van was filled with silence, undying silence. summer was leaning her head against the window, trying to sleep. she couldn't, because the feelings from yesterday were driving her crazy.

"you can play music or something," Matt offered, handing the girl an aux cord. she hooked up her phone to it and started playing Dominic fike, gaining a smile from matt. she knew he was his favorite from their youtube videos, well the one video that she watched.

suddenly, in the middle of acai bowl, summer stopped it and started rambling.

"It wasn't a friend," she said, matt turning to her with confusion.


"the person I saw on Instagram, it wasn't a friend I thought it was. I thought it was my sister," she said, looking out on the road while trying to avoid eye contact with matt. he pulled over into the break-down lane, putting the car in park and looking at the girl with a confused expression.


"When I was 6, my mother and father got into a fight. nothing new. they always fought, ever since before my sister Rylee was born." she confessed, unbuckling and looking at him, making eye contact.

"I was at a friend's house, while my father was taking care of Rylee, who was 1 and sick, while my mother was slammed. she came home and I guess they signed divorce papers right there. I come home the next morning and my father and Rylee were gone." she teared up, not breaking eye contact with matt.

he was very confused, but more worried for her. he grabbed her hand and started rubbing her thumb with his own, before summer started again.

"i haven't seen them since. the day my mother hit me was exactly 12 years since they left. the girl I saw on Instagram, was also named Rylee and also lived in Vermont." she took a second to breathe, finally breaking eye contact and looking at her and matts interlocked hands.

"whenever anything related to Rylee gets brought up or whenever I'm reminded of her, I go numb. brainless. I guess this time I ended up in Vermont."

1093 words

Liz speaks
finally, they're getting a moment
I mean this is a matt sturniolo book el oh el


EDIT FROM AFTER CHAP WAS WRITTEN: ty for 300 hundred reads?!?!

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