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(4/23/22) liz speaks!

holy shit, it's actually over.

I don't know whether to cry or smile, I'm so happy with this book but I literally am so sad it's done.

yall don't understand how much this book helped me, it kinda kept me sane while moving away from my friends. moving 900 miles away from the place I remember since I was a baby was so hard but the thing is, I always had this book.

whenever I got upset or anything, I came to this book and wrote. hours and hours have been poured into this book, countless all-nighters and all-dayers I've sat with this stupid broken laptop on my lap, writing.

seeing you guys enjoy this book has only helped me more, I love your reactions to the chapters in the comments, they make my day.

I know this book has some bad chapters and some really bad and weird chapters, so I thank you all for sticking with me and with summer, I don't understand how you guys actually withstood some of the cringiest shit in this book, mad respect.

one of my favorite things about this era of my life is, I read a book called "phobias" (by @everloreera), it was actually the first book about the triplets I read. anyways, I fell in love with it in seconds, it was so amazing and the reason I decided to write this. (if you are a matt girl/person or even if you arent go read it right now it is amazing.)

anyways, a few days ago I got a notification and saw that the amazing Maha was READING THIS BOOK HOLY SHIT. I had a heart attack. (Maha if you're reading this I love you but you literally scared the fucking shit out of me, also please don't be mad but I totally stole the 'Liz speaks!' thing from you LOL)

I swear to god people are just gonna skip this because I can't shut my mouth

I love you all so fucking much. thank you thank you thank you thank you.

I'm probably gonna make a sequel at some point, but don't you fear. I know you will totally miss my amazing writing (fake it till you make it Liz. fake it till you make it.), don't fear I have many other books.

by 'many other' i mean I have 2 other books about the triplets, both MattyB books because I don't know why but I'm not a Chris gal (yet).

I've got 'forever 4', which is about a young girl named Lorelai who was friends with the triplets since birth but they got separated and she came back, blah blah blah. anyways lia is a super cool rockstar and loves her brothers.

then I've got 'sturniolo triplets CRACK (sweet bits), which is a complete chaos and needs a chill pill right now, and that is also a super slow burn matt book because who doesn't love a good slow burn right?

I've got other books but they're complete trash from 2020 please don't read them I beg of you.

(2/10/23) UPDATE.
TRIGGER WARNING: i'm talking about my mental illnesses in this portion and mentioning sewerslide so if you are sensitive to those things, please please please; proceed with caution.

holy mother fucking shit.

it's been almost an entire YEAR since this book was finished, and here i am, updating this chapter because we just hit 100k reads.

this is insane. i saw it in homeroom yesterday and froze (i nearly dropped my phone) and then started tearing up trying my hardest not to fucking cry.

this book has watched me grow up and mature my writing.

when i wrote this book i didn't know it at the time but i was slipping into one of the worst depressive episodes i have ever had.

i had just moved (FL->TN, US) and was finishing out middle school over a computer. my mom was pregnant so we didn't really go out much, making it so i had no friends. and i was dying. slowly killing myself with things like alcohol and drugs.

but then i found these stupid triplets who make stupid little car videos. and somehow i ended up here.

this book gave me a reason to wake up in the morning. it gave me a reason to dismiss those thoughts in my head that told me that no one cared about me. because every time i opened this stupid little fanfiction app, there were tons of notifications from you guys.

and of course writing didn't "cure" my depression, but it made it a lot easier to manage it. idk if you guys know this already or not, but many of the feelings and problems summer and the other characters face are feelings and problems that i was dealing with during writing this.

you guys kept me sane and pulled me out of some very dark times.

so thank you. thank you for reading this stupid book and putting up with my terrible writing.

thank you for not getting extremely pissed off every time i didn't upload for weeks at a time.

thank you for creating such a lovely environment where i always felt comfortable.

THANK YOU for helping me bring awareness for domestic violence, child abuse, and other serious topics.

thank you for never getting pissed off when i discontinued forever four and unpublished astronomy.

thank you to mr conan gray for releasing memories and the entire superache album, it was very important to the publishing of this book.

and obviously i would like to give a big ole shout out to my wattpad best friend, katsluvs    

kat, your comments you left under every single chapter of this book gave me yet another reason to smile. you may be across the world from me but you are still one of my best friends. i love you.

and with that, this 10 page letter comes to an end. and for the 749492485949271910595830th time, THANK YOU.


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