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"i know, i miss you too. but i cant wait for you to meet rylee. she's exactly how i thought she was gonna be and more." summer smiled into her phone, facetiming lily.

"i know i am too, I'm tempted to drive up there myself,"

summer and rylee had decided to go to the mall today, since it was the last day before the big transplant. rylee was feeling great so they didn't worry too much, but it was when they were in a foot locker trying on shoes when rylee started to feel off.

"hey, can we sit for a sec?" rylee breathlessly asked and summer nodded, before they both sat down on a nearby bench, their countless bags surrounding their feet.

rylee set her head back on the wall behind her and closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath. she sweat from every area she could, her skin was pale and cold to the touch. she was used to this, it was a side effect from having rotting bone marrow. the vertigo swirled in her mind while she tried to stay sitting upward, summer watching her little sister like a hawk.

"are you okay? do you need some water?" summer asked, to which rylee tiredly shook her head.

"no I'm good, just dizzy. it usually goes away after a few moments," rylee replied. summer nodded and leaned against the wall, relaxing her shoulders to seem unworried, even though she was basically shitting her pants.

after 10 minutes, it hadn't gone away.

"do you just wanna go home?" summer asked again, rylee stood up this time.

"no I'm good. you wanna go to windsor and try on all the shiny prom dresses?" she asked, forcing a smile on her face. summer agreed even though she had a feeling rylee was in fact not okay, but she didn't want to make a big deal out of it. the surgery was next week anyways.

in widsor, rylee and summer were posing for pictures in the big mirror, rylee was in a cinderella looking dress that basically tripped her, while summer was in a tight silky dress.

"okay, lets get dressed and hit build-a-bear," rylee suggested with a laugh, before returning to the dressing room.

rylee had finished before her sister, and was waiting outside of summers dressing room when the vertigo came back. the room was spinning and she was so cold all of a sudden even though she was sweating a swimming pool.

randomly, rylee lost balance and passed out, losing consciousness on the way down. summer heard the thump and ran out, her purse barely hanging onto her shoulder as she bent down to her sister while freaking out.

everyone around them weren't acting like it was a big deal, the manager was trying to get rylee in the back to drink some water though summer knew it was much more serious than just dehydration.

"you arent listening! she has rotting bone marrow, you need to call an ambulance!" summer yelled at the manager woman, but she wasn't budging. finally, a young woman came out of her dressing room and sat on the floor next to rylee with summer.

"i called an ambulance, they're on their way. I'm a neurologic doctor at countryside hospital okay? I'm gonna help you and your sister" the woman announced, pushing her finger against rylees neck.

"okay, um she has final stage bone marrow dissolving, we actually have surgery next week I'm donating," summer explained, her hands shaking as she placed rylees head on her thighs to make sure her sister was comfy.

"okay, go ahead and talk to the 911 operator while i check your sister," the woman replied, shooing away people.

finally the room was clear and emts were pouring into the room ad trying to get rylee on the stretcher.

"listen, I'm going to change quickly and meet you at the hospital, stay with her okay, i got your bags." the woman said fastly as she walked out the dressing rooms with summer, summer nodding before running with the emts.

before she knew it, summer was sitting in an ambulance while calling her father, watching emts try to get an iv in her sister.

"we need to do the donation right away. like right now," the nurse from earlier explained to summer and her father while doctors rushed rylee to the or, summer doesn't even remember getting to the hospital. all of a sudden she was just, there.

"what? but they said we didn't have to do it until next week!" Bradley complained, summer was already getting ready, not even thinking about questioning the woman.

"things changed. somehow, the decaying of your daughters bone marrow accelerated. probably from the strain of shopping. either we get summer into the or now and they both survive, or we wait until next week and rylee doesn't survive." the nurse broke it down for Bradley before summer kicked him out to get dressed into her gown.

36 hours later, summer awoke in the room she was staying in at her fathers.

844 words

liz speaks!
hey besties
i made a tiktok btw, I'm gonna post edits for this book and my other book 'forever 4', you should go follow it its @myhotgirlshit

qotd: when is your bday?
me: april 8

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