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maybe it was a lie.

maybe it was a dream.

maybe she was dead.

but in reality, summer Cromwell was standing outside a tall building, a building she never imagined to see.

it was large, white, and definitely expensive. a place she never expected her father to be living in.

inside the house stood Rylee, and Bradley. summer was freaking out at the thought of seeing them again after 12 years.

much had changed in 12 years.

either way, summer knew Rylee would have no fucking clue who summer was. which broke her heart.

summer finally gained the balls to walk up to the wall and knock on it. as she waited for the door to open, summer felt panicked. it grew heavy and hard to breathe, the walls caving in.

it only got worse when the door opened and summer saw into the kitchen, a short brunette standing and staring at summer.

summer walked in slowly and approached the girl even slower. when summer got close enough she reached out and held onto the girl's shoulders, immediately knowing the girl was Rylee. summer took a second to examine the girl, scared to realize she'd grown up.

rylee's hair was shoulder length and fluffy, her eyes were still bright blue and her nose was still small. summer felt as if she could breathe again as she took the girl into a hug, both of them sobbing into each other's shoulders.

somehow Rylee remembered summer even though she was barely 2 years old when Bradley left with her, which summer was confused about but didn't bother to ask.

she had her baby sister back. that's all she could ever ask for.

"Okay! we have 12 years to catch up. so tell me, Rylee. tell me everything about your life. What's your favorite thing to do? What's your favorite music artist? how are you in school? everything. I want every detail." summer begged as she and Rylee sat on the floor of 1 of the living rooms in Bradley's house, Bradley watching from the doorway.

"Okay! my favorite thing to do is draw, my favorite music artists are a trick question, the answer is all of them, and I'm pretty good in school. until I got sick," Rylee giggled, stopping when she said the last part.

"right, I'm so sorry by the way," summer said gloomily, Bradley leaving due to the tears in the wells of his eyes falling.

"it's fine. I wanna know about you. you got any boys?" Rylee asked and summer cringed, but she was just happy to do the big sister things she never got to do, like talk about boys.

"I did, I had a boyfriend named Noah, but he was an asshole" she started, eating a grape from the bag that sat between her and Rylee.

"right, I saw him in some of your insta posts. what happened to him?" Rylee asked, also eating a grape.

"he was an asshole, cheated, and cheated again"

"anyone else?"

"kinda, my best friend's brother. matt. turns out he is also an asshole, started dating the girl who destroyed me in 11th grade," summer added.

"fuck men," Rylee said, trying to cheer up her sister.

"Yeah, fuck men!"

hours later, summer had just finished tucking her sister in. something she did not need to do because Rylee was nearly 14, but she wanted. because it was something she always did when she was nearly 2.

summer walked out into the kitchen, with her father who drank a beer. summer went to the fridge and also grabbed a beer, even though she knew she shouldn't and she hated alcohol, she did. so much had gone by today that she needed it.

"you know you shouldn't be doing things like that around your father right?" Bradley joked, to which summer dryly laughed.

"didn't think you cared, you don't seem to care about important things very much," summer retorted, knowing she didn't mean it. Bradley turned his head in defeat while summer sipped the beer, wishing she hadn't said that.

"yeah, I guess I deserved that. look, I'm sorry. but I had to get away. I couldn't let my little girl grow up with a mother who didn't care," Bradley apologized, realizing he said something wrong.

"what about your other little girl huh? what about the girl who cried for her daddy for weeks just for her mother to get drunk and tell her to go away?" summer asked with tears in her eyes. Bradley tried to answer with something but no words came out of his mouth.

"I knew that I couldn't bring you with me. I always planned to come back for you. I always planned to get you back once I made it to the point where I could be here. where I could be standing in this huge house, where I could be able to pay for anything you wanted," he explained, his tone getting louder as he went on. summer shushed him as if it was 12 years ago and he was going to wake up the baby.

"what? you know I never needed this right? I needed my dad."

"that's why I want you to move in with us. transfer to school here, come back to Vermont" he pleaded, catching summer off guard.

of course, she wanted to be with Rylee but she couldn't leave. she had a family back in Massachusetts. her poor grandmother lived visit to visit.

"dad, you know I can't" she trembled, setting the half-drank beer down and walking closer to her father. he turned his head in denial, knowing she was right.

they walked closer to each other and eventually hugged, something summer had missed greatly since she was 6.


caption: I can't believe that I'm hugging you after so long

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caption: I can't believe that I'm hugging you after so long. I love you, darling.
tagged: yo.Rylee

yo.Rylee: love you too
^ summercromwell: go to bed bro it's 3 am

nicolassturniolo: good luck!

lilywallmacker: I cant wait to meet her bro

christophersturniolo: girl on the right is ugly asf

*comments mutuals only*

1011 words

Liz speaks!
I'm not sobbing rn u are

also! go check out my 2nd matt fic 'forever 4' if you want! I'm pouring my heart into both of these books and it means a lot that you like them.

the storyline of forever 4 is, about a girl who grew up with the triplets and became their best friend, dragged off to la for her brother's music career. she returns to Boston to reunite with her old family. will she fall in love again after the traumatic ending of her last relationship?

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