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matt pov bc i rlly enjoy the 1st person:

is it weird that i stalk summer? like i don't stalk her per say, but everything i do revolves around her.

i change my route to class just so i can walk with her. i always invite her in videos. i am always thinking of her. sometimes i stare out my window to see her sitting on her window seat, zoning out until dark like she always does.

i know that sounds creepy, and trust me if i heard someone say that i would think it's creepy too. but with her it's so different.

nothing ever matters to me in the world when i'm around her. the only thing i care about, is her.

anyways. it's lunch. one of my favorite times in school.

i try my hardest not to blush too hard when i feel summers hand grab mine underneath the table.

i can see chris and lily across the table from us, they were flirting like it was their last day on earth. i wish i had the confidence chris has when it comes to girls. he asked out lily and then asked her to be his girlfriend the next day. it's been close to 2 months since summer and i went out, and i still haven't mustered up the courage to ask the big question. then again we've had a lot more bumps in the road than they have.


its later now, me and summer are sitting on her bedroom floor, she's trying to help me get better grades in science. we've been coming back to her house or mine so we can hang out ever since that night i stayed over and we laid on her floor all night.

she was trying to explain to me something about elements or something, but i was too distracted by her to listen.

god, everything is so perfect about her.

she is quite literally, my dream girl.

suddenly i got the urge to ask her, while she was in the middle of talking. and god dammit i need to learn self control.

"so basically, there's this little jingle that helps you remember-"

"be my girlfriend. please" i stuttered out quickly, making eye contact with summer.

she was caught off guard, which scared me more than ever.

as i started pleading on and on about how i didn't mean to say that and such, i was cut off by summer leaning in and kissing me.

after a few seconds, i pulled back, not bothering to open my eyes in case i was gonna embarrass myself.

"so is that a yes?" i pleaded quietly with a laugh, smiling and trying to cover the fact i was acting super awkward.

she laughed and smiled back, her hands still on my jaw.

"yes of course you dummy," was all i heard before summer connected our lips once again.

484 words

liz speaks!

awee matt and summer are finally official 😍🥹

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