5 ~ everytime

235 12 1

everytime - Ariana Grande (Sweetener)


Caitlin and Barry are not the first thing people think of when they hear perfect couple. When you say complicated couple the frost two names that come into your head, they have always been on and off and it confuses everyone. This time everyone thought she left for good but a certain speedster knew she would come back she always does. It's been 6 months since she left, Barry hasn't been doing great. He thought they were going fine and then out of nowhere she leaves and left him a text message.

Barry was in the cortex and today felt different, everyone noticed that he was more chipper than usual. Cisco, Iris, Joe and H.R were all in the cortex with Barry when she walked in. "Caitlin!" Cisco said and saw that she brought someone with her

"Hey, this is Julian, my boyfriend" Caitlin said introduced the blonde haired guy. He looked very different to Barry, he wore a plaid t-shirt with a vest and a tie, He had a small beard and could tell that he was not to welcomed but everyone in the room. Everyone said their overlapping hellos and Julian then left once Caitlin introduced everyone to him. Barry saw the few sympathetic glances coming from the group but his focus was only on her and her new boyfriend. Julian

"Good to have you home" Cisco said and hugged one of his best friends. Everyone said their hellos except Barry who just stayed sitting in his seat. 

"Uh Barry do you mind if we talk in the hallway" Caitlin said and he just followed her

"I know that this is just kind of sprung on to you" Caitlin said and Barry scoffed

"Sprung? Which part Cait? The fact we were dating and all of the sudden you leave me and all I have left is a text message or the part where you come back 6 months later with a boyfriend?" Barry asked

"Barry I" Caitlin started but didn't get to finish

"You know what, any excuse you have I don't want to hear it" Barry said "From now on the only reason we will talk is about missions and stuff" Barry said

"Come on, Barry" Caitlin said

"No, I've been waiting for you for 6 months and I find out that you have been screwing what ever his name is. Well I'm done Cait" Barry said and walked away

"Barry wait" She said and pulled his arm "you knew how complex we were, I had to let go, my friends were telling me to let go but I wasn't I had to get away from everything. 

"Well while you having fun god knows where I was saving lives" Barry said and this time he stormed off and she didn't stop him. She just stood in the hallway for a few minuets and then went back into the cortex where Barry and Joe were gone. She sighed and just went back to her labs when Cisco came to talk with her.

"Cisco I know what you're going to say and I really just don't want to talk about it right now" Caitlin said

"I just want to find out how you met and stuff" Cisco said and sat next to her

"We met at a cafe" Caitlin said 

"Is he nice?" Cisco asked

"Yes" she said

"Are you happy?" Cisco asked

"Yes" Caitlin said but hesitated a little.

"I don't think you are" Cisco said "When you walked in today you didn't have the same smile when you were with Barry"

"Cisco" Caitlin said

"You made each other happy" Cisco said "He was a wreck when you left him, and today he seemed more chipper than usual because he some town knew you were coming back."

"We were complicated and messy Cisco, I can't have that" Caitlin said

"I am not an expert or anything but isn't that what love is supposed to be, messy and complicated" Cisco said and she just gave him a blank stare. He was right, she was different when she wasn't around him. Cisco then got her to snap out of her thoughts and he eventually left after the two talked for a few more minuets. 

She was just trying to catch up on her work but she couldn't get him out of her head. She then got a call from Barry and she looked at the phone questionably but answered it anyway. "Hey Barry"

"Hey Cait" he said sounding a bit tired. When ever he called her Cai she felt shivers down her spine. This guy can make her heart do flips just by doing the littlest things. "I just want to apologise about how I acted before, I should have at least let you explain, anyway I'm sure you doing work right now and..." 

Caitlin felt a need to defend herself for some reason so she quickly said "No I am going to a club not doing some stupid work" she said and waited for his reaction

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were such a party animal" Barry said "Anyway see you tomorrow" Caitlin ended the phone call and leaned back in her chair. Why did she do that? she doesn't have anything to prove to him. He was calling to apologise. She needed to get drunk, so she actually did go to a club but didn't end up drinking much. What was she doing?

Caitlin got out of the club as fast as she could and when she got out there was only one person she wanted to go see. So that's where she went. Caitlin took a leap of faith and knocked on the door. Barry Allen opened the door and he was shocked to see her. "Cait what are yo doing here?"

"I love you" Caitlin said "I left because things were to messy and complicated but thats what love is, its messy and its complicated but it's amazing and I love you and everything we had was amazing and I want it back. I want to get back together again, please lets be together again"

"Cait, I can't" Barry said and she barged in the house. "What are you doing?" he asked

"I'm not leaving" she said

"Cait you can't do this to me, you can't leave out of nowhere leave me heart broke for 6 months come back with a boy friend and expect me to be here waiting with open arms. Those 6 months were one of the worst of my life, everyone else was happy, Cisco was with gypsy, Iris got a promotion, Joe and Cecil have been going strong and you weren't here Cait. Everyone had something or someone but you left me with no one" Barry said and she felt bad, really bad.

"Barry" She tried to say something but he stopped her

"No Cait, I think you should go" He said and heard the door open for her, he knew that if she said anything that he would go crawling right back to her.

"Fine but I just want to say one more thing. I am going to come back you every time Barry because you are it Barry Allen you are my person and I am sorry I didn't realise it sooner" She said and left.

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