14 ~ The Heart Wants What It Wants

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The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez (For You)


Caitlin Snow has been stuck in this relationship for years, It's been on and off. He makes her promises she says yes to them and falls for him. He doesn't deliver and she breaks. It happens over and over again. Now here she is again, in their  room. Alone. Again.

He has her wrapped around his finger. Caitlin couldn't do this anymore so she sucked back all of her tears and went to her phone. She used her shaky hands to scroll through her phone and find his number hearing the dialling tone she was a little bit thankful it went to voicemail because she knows her heart would melt if she had to talk to him. He was her kryptonite. 

"Barry I just need to tell you that we are done, for the last time I can't do this anymore, you will be moving out and finding a new place. Thats all I have to say for now" she then just hung up the phone and took a deep breath and went to the ensuite to freshen up. She was washing her face and wiping the tears when she heard the door open and close to the apartment. She wasn't ready for this but she couldn't handle the alternative anymore.

"Cait" he said and saw her in their room, not that he was ever there.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be" she said

"Why are you doing this?" Barry asked

"You've left me no choice" is all she said

"What are you talking about?" Barry asked

"I should've done this a long time ago" Caitlin said trying to be strong but felt like just felt like she would break down at any moment.

"Cait, I don't understand please just explain it to me" Barry said coming closer to her and and held her hands in his. 

She quickening took her hands away from his and avoided looking at his soft eyes, pleading her to not do this. "You know how crazy I am for you, you know I would do anything for you and you used me because of it. You made me feeling amazing, feeling like the only girl you have ever cared for and you made me think we would spend the rest of our lives together and then you started breaking all your promises you're never home. We never talk, I'm always waiting for you and you never come. Now I'm done waiting"

"Caitlin please don't do this, I love you I can't live without you" he said and head her by her waist and tears started falling out of both of their eyes.

"No, I can't keep doing this with you. Its not fair to you or me. We're stuck, we need to be free, let each other go." Caitlin said

"No" is all Barry could say before he heard onto her tighter.

"Barry you need to let go, we need to let go" Caitlin said and pulled his arms away from her grip

"No, Caitlin don't do this, your everything to me" Barry said

"We can't do this anymore Barry its not working" Caitlin said 

"Caitlin what are you talking about?" Barry asked and at this Caitlin got annoyed

"What am I talking about? you are never here, when ever I come home your not here, I got to bed your not here, I wake up your not here in what is supposed to be our apartment and you say its your job but i'm pretty sure you've been cheating on me so don't play the victim and ask what I'm talking about!"

"It is just my job" Barry said and Caitlin scoffed

"Your job allowed you to come home!" Caitlin said "sorry this isn't your home anymore"

"Cait--" he was about 

"Don't Barry" She said

"Please just let me explain. Your right I'm an idiot, It starts working and I get scared because you mean too much to me so I run and it drives you to run and I know its not fair please just don't this I'm trying to be better, I am trying so hard Cait." he said and started crying in his hands. God damn kryptonite she thought and held him.

They just stayed there for awhile until even when both of them weren't sobbing. Caitlin was the first one to break the silence "why is it every time I hear your voice everything become clear? why are you my kryptonite?"

"I don't know but I feel the same way" he said and kissed her temple

"Why is this so hard, why can't it be easy?" she said and held onto him tighter

"Because I'm an ass" he said and held onto her and heard a small chuckle escape her lips

"I'm sorry I don't know why thats funny" she said but he just smiled and looked down to where her head was.

"It kind of is" Barry said and she finally looked up at him

"There are a million reason why I should let go of you right now and kick you out and make sure I never see you again but I don't care because I can't give you up" Caitlin said

"They say the heart wants what it wants" Barry said "I want you"

"I want you too" she said and he kissed her

"we can't duo this anymore because I can't imagine a future where I'm not alone but I also can't imagine a future without you in it" Caitlin said and Barry knew what she meant.

"I have to let you go" he said

"Yeah" she said and let go of him

"I'll miss you like hell" Barry said

"I'll miss you too" Caitlin said and she was finally free, out of the cycle.


So sorry guys for the late update, I'm running out of songs so if you have any suggestions you can comment💖

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