Curious Wandering

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(Repost from my other book)

Dedicated to Joe (we can read this is vc later)

The floorboards creaked violently as loud footsteps dashed across them. The area reeked of despair, anger, and of course; ink. Henry was dashing through the ink stained halls, tripping over loose floorboards every so often.
"Sheeeeep!~ Where are you off to? We'll be late to the sacrifice!" A voice called.
'Shit. He's gaining on me quick.' Henry thought to himself as he took a left turn. He hit a dead end and he began to shake. He looked to his right and saw a closet and quickly whipped it open. He crammed inside and shut the door. He heard the previous footsteps get closer. And closer. And closer. He could hear the breathing of another being outside of the closet. Henry covered his mouth to hide his breathing. The inky being outside searched the area. He finally reached the closet and chuckled lightly.
"Oh sheep. You have finally come back to me."
Henry heart began to race.
'Was this it? This is how he was gonna die?'
Without warning, inky veins covered the walls. Loud whispers began to flood the room. Henry could hear the man outside panicking. He swear he heard him drop too. He stooped down and looked through the small peephole in the doorframe. He saw the man chasing him on his knees in a praying position. In front of him was a lanky inky figure he had seen before. Bendy. Bendy had chased him around earlier but he escaped his clutches in time. Bendy looked down at the man and put his hands on his hips.
'Was he mad? Was that man going to die?' Henry thought to himself.
Then Bendy spoke.
"Sammy what the hell did I tell you about chasing Henry around?" Bendy scoffed.
"I-I'm sorry, my lord! Forgive me! I was just trying to bring you a sacrifice! And I see you chasing him all the time, s-so I thought-" Sammy was cut off by Bendy picking the definitely heavier man up into his arms.
"I swear to Satan you're the biggest idiot I know." Bendy sighed.
Henry watched the scene unfold, absolutely in shock and confusion. But it wasn't as confusing as what happened next. Bendy then placed his only gloved hand on Sammy's cheek and caressed it softly. Sammy melted at the touch, a small smile appearing on his face. Bendy then nuzzled the crook of the man's neck causing Sammy to giggle. Bendy loved Sammy's laugh. Sammy placed a small kiss on Bendy's forehead and Bendy could have died right there.
"Hehe do that again." Bendy muttered.
"Of course my lord but, what about Henry?" Sammy said pointing to the still closed door.
Bendy whipped his head around and stepped towards the door, whipping it open angrily. Henry sat hunched over before smiling weakly.
"You tell no one or I'll feed you to Alice." The ink demon hissed before slamming the door on the man again.
Bendy grabbed Sammy's hand and walked down the inky hallway. Sammy's giggles could be heard faintly before they were out of range. Henry slowly opened the door before stepping out doing his best to process what he had just witnessed.
"I barely escaped death because these two monsters have a relationship going on." Henry whispered to himself.
He shrugged, it wasn't the weirdest thing he'd seen. He continued his journey through the ink stained workshop.

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