Chapter 41 (Viggo)

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I stood by the desk, my arms crossed as I studied the map laying before me. An island was circled in red. Outcast Island. Krogan had shown the map to me when he was explaining his goal, putting emphasis on the island itself. It was the closest island that was native to Ice Tail Pike after all. I glanced towards the entrance to the tent as I remembered why we needed the fish. An entire division of hunters was to be created. A division of Dragon Flyers. Hunters who flew on the back of one of the most dangerous dragons known to vikings, the Singetail. I always new Krogan was... intense, but this was an entirely new level of crazy. I shook myself from my thoughts and turned back to face the desk, my hands braced against the wooden surface of the desk as I leaned over the map. At least the Ice Tail Pike retrieval had come back as a failure.

"-it was impossible to have seen what was coming." a voice spoke as the sound footsteps reached my ears. Great.

"Impossible, you say?" Krogan asked as he entered the tent, Jarg right behind him. "And what say you?"

"There will be a setback." I answered, keeping my gaze fixed on the map to avoid letting Krogan see how I was really feeling. "The Ice Tail Pike are essential to our training program. Unlike this gentleman." I paused, turning my gaze towards the stone dragon piece sitting beside the map. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. "Failures have no place in my army. The bar must remain at its highest." I claimed, crossing my arms as I turned my back to them, glancing over my shoulder as I continued. "I'd throw him down a Whispering Death hole. But that's just me." I faced the tent's wall, gripping my arms tight as guilt and regret washed over me.

"Relax, Jarg. There will be no Whispering Death hole for you. If I did that, I wouldn't get to see you suffer. Then that would take all the the fun out of it." Krogan claimed, clapping his hands.

"No! Come on, now." Jarg tried to reason, but I could hear the hunters that had been stationed outside already starting to drag him away. "No! No, no!" Jarg's cries died down as he was pulled away from the tent, leaving Krogan and I alone.

"Now, Viggo, how do you plan to withstand the extreme heat?" Krogan asked as he came up behind me. "It wasn't so kind to you last time."

"I was just assessing that myself." I claimed, pushing what had just occurred to the back of my mind as I turned to face Krogan. "I have some... thoughts."

"Well, please. Do share." Krogan and I turned towards the tent's entrance as a cloaked woman walked in, lowering her hood.

"Ahh, Saiya. What news do you bring?" Krogan asked.

"Better news than the man screaming for his life." Saiya claimed, smirking. "I've sent word as you requested. In two days time, we shall be gathering the necessary numbers."

"Excellent. We'll proceed as planned then."

"There is still the situation of our lack of Ice Tail Pike." I reminded Krogan, drawing his attention back to me.

"We will manage with the fish we have on hand. Ice Tail Pike isn't the only fish those dragons eat." I sighed. Of course he wasn't going to let missing fish stand in the way of his plans. "Now, about that volcano?"

"There's something on the island already that will allow us to enter the volcano without any trouble." I claimed, turning back towards the desk.

"And, what might this item be?" Saiya asked, crossing her arms across her chest. I glared at her.

"You shall see when we get there." Saiya narrowed her eyes at me, but said nothing more, turning to exit the tent.

"Be careful of how you speak to her." Krogan warned, his eyes trained on Saiya's departing figure. "She's not one to be trifled with when upset." I rolled my eyes, turning my gaze to the dragon piece once more.

"Let me work. I have my own issues to deal with, you know."

"Of course. Carry on, Grimborn." Krogan said. I listened to Krogan's retreating footsteps, waiting until he had walked away a great distance before doing anything. I breathed deeply, bracing a hand on the desk as I rubbed the throbbing burns on my face.

"Just a little longer." I murmured, glancing down at the dragon piece. "I'm going to stop this. I promise."

<This chapter was horribly written, but you can't really do much with a five-minute scene, now can you?

Anyway, I'm glad to finally introduce Saiya into my story officially. She's one of many important side characters that I will be integrating into this series. Also! Fun fact! Do any of you remember the woman in the blue cloak that kept popping up whenever Krogan did? That's Saiya! She's Krogan's right-hand, partner, and the one person Krogan actually cares about. Krogan's ideology is that everyone and anyone is expendable, unless they're Saiya.

Viggo's going through some stuff, so I'm going to leave him alone for now.

See you guys in the next chapter! Bye!>

Soul of a Warrior (An RTTE Fanfic - Sequel to Heart of a Dragon Whisperer)Where stories live. Discover now