Chapter 7 (Storm)

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"I can't believe you let Melia beat me up. You just stood there." Snotlout grumbled, rubbing his bruised arm. 

"Hey, I'm not the one that provoked her." 

"I didn't provoke her!" 

"You messed with Tuffnut's emotions. You know how she is. She sees any of us getting hurt, physically or emotionally, and all that time she spent with dragons as a kid comes to the surface. You mess with the hatchling, you get Mama Dragon's wrath." I scolded. Snotlout grumbled in displeasure. 

"Okay, guys. Focus." Hiccup called, "The first thing we have to figure out, is there really a curse? And, if there is, where did it start? Whose curse is it? Are you even listening to me?" I stopped walking as Hiccup turned around, making me glance over at my brother only for him not to be there. 

"Snotlout, what are you doing?" I asked, glancing back to see him holding a small circular medallion. 

"Where did you get that?" Hiccup asked, seeming concerned that he had it. 

"Your saddlebag. You should be more careful around here." Snotlout teased. 

"Okay, Snot. Give it back." 

"You know what this needs?" Snotlout asked, ignoring my words as he walked past the both of us. 

"To be out of your grubby hands?" 

"It needs a chain. Then at least Astrid can where the stupid thing. Otherwise, it's just an anchor for a very tiny boat." Snotlout's words registered in my head. 

"Wait? Is that your betrothal gift to Astrid?" I asked, glancing up at Hiccup. 

"Yes. It was my dad's gift to my mother and he gave it to me to give to Astrid." 

"Aww! That's so sweet." I commented, smiling up at my cousin. 

"See?" Snotlout asked, catching our attention. He was holding the medallion up to a thin chain, glancing at Hiccup for approval as he said, "Looks nice, right?" 

"Would you give me that?" Snotlout held it away jokingly, only for some random guy to snatch it right out of Snotlout's hands. I took off running after the guy, knowing how important that thing was to Hiccup. We all chased the guy until he tossed it to a guy from our past. Amos. "Look!" Hiccup gasped, stopping us. Amos passed the medallion to a guy who passed it to another guy, but Amos passed something to the guy from before, so maybe it wasn't with the other guys? Or maybe it was? Ugh! I hated being confused! "Where'd he go?" 

"I don't know. I lost track of who we were chasing." Snotlout and I said at the same time as we looked around. 

"I hate being confused!" 

"Really? I figured you'd be used to it by now." I heard Hiccup comment before he took off on Toothless. 

"Heard that. Hookfang!" 

"Starfire!" As soon as our dragons came and we were up in the sky beside Hiccup, we caught sight of the guy who first stole the medallion tossing it to Amos again before both ran off. We flew low in the trees, chasing after Amos and barely dodging low branches. 

"Help! The Curse if Tears is real!" Snotlout screamed, but I ignored him, following Hiccup in our pursuit. Suddenly, after flying out of the forest and out onto a beach, it was apparent we had lost him. But how? 

"Uhh... The footprints just stop." 

"Could a wild dragon have carried him off in expectation of a good meal?" I offered, glancing around. 

"No. I don't think so." 

"Well, maybe it's the Curse of Tears. Ooh! Scary." Snotlout teased. 

"Lay off, Snotlout. You aren't helping." Snotlout stuck his tongue out at me which I returned. 

"Never seen anything like this." Hiccup said, drawing our attention to the glass tears he held in his hand. 

"Me, neither." Snotlout and I commented. Suddenly, Snotlout screamed in my ear before something grabbed my ankle and dragged me down into the sand, making me scream as well. I felt someone grab my wrist as Snotlout screamed from below me, 

"Hiccup! Storm! Help!" 

"Toothless!" Hiccup cried from above me. I squinted my eyes up at Hiccup who held my wrist before glancing down at Snotlout who had grabbed my ankle. There was something below him, dragging him, and in turn, us, down. I heard a dragon's roar before blacking out.

<Oh my Thor! Something has taken our friends down under! Hopefully, Toothless, Hookfang, and Starfire can get the other riders before anything bad happens to them. Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one!>

Soul of a Warrior (An RTTE Fanfic - Sequel to Heart of a Dragon Whisperer)Where stories live. Discover now