Chapter 45 (Storm/Melia)

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{Storm's POV}


I jumped upright in bed, instinctively holding up one of my daggers as I glanced around.


"Dragon fire?" I questioned aloud. I glanced at Starfire, taking notice of how her head was perked up and her eyes alert. She felt the tremors from the blast too then.


"C'mon, girl." I called, hopping out of bed. "Let's go check that out." I ran down the stairs and towards the door, Starfire hot on my trail as I hurriedly tugged my boots on. I quickly opened my door only to jump back as a blast of dragon fire hit right in front of me. Starfire jumped forward, growling. "I'm okay, Starfire." I assured her, pushing her wing out of my way so that I could see what was going on outside. Singetails?! "You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed. I quickly mounted Starfire and flew off towards the stables, hoping everyone else would be there. "Please tell me someone has a plan!" I exclaimed as Starfire swooped inside the stables and landed next to Snotlout and Hookfang.

"Those dragons are relentless. We have to take the fight to them!" Snotlout claimed. Fishlegs and the Twins looked at Snotlout like he was crazy.

"Snotlout's right! If we have any chance of fending them off, we need to fight back." I agreed. With that, we were all up in the air and forming a line against the Singetails.

"Hold your ground! We need to be unflinching as they are!"

"You're sure about this?" Fishlegs asked.

"Not really." Snotlout answered.

"Very encouraging, Snot." I called.

"What are you talking about? This is epic!" Tuffnut cheered.

"We got this, guys!" Ruffnut called as the Singetails flew toward us and fired.

"Yeah! And if we don't, it was a pleasure knowing you all." Tuffnut called.

"Except for you, Snotlout!" Ruffnut added, the two of them flying into battle. Snotlout, Fishlegs, and I exchanged glances before following the Twins' lead.


"To Valhalla and beyond!"


"Bad idea! Bad idea!" Fishlegs screamed as we fled from the Singetails.

"I'm sick of this yak dung. Why are we running from these dragons?" Snotlout asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Because they're ruthless, out to kill, and they outnumber us two to one." Fishlegs replied in a tone that said it should be very obvious why we're running.

"But why are we running from them?" Snotlout pushed.

"Snotlout! All right! I like where your head's at." Ruffnut called.

"Where's his head? Did it get blown off? Did we miss it? I hate missing a good cranial explosion."

"Tuff, don't even go there!" I called, gagging.

"Let's do this, guys!" Snotlout called.

"Yeah!" We all turned around and flew straight at the Singetails. However, as they passed by us, I noticed something that seemed very out of place.

"Uh, guys, I think I saw someone riding one of those Singetails!" Fishlegs called.

"No, you didn't, Fishlegs." Snotlout argued.

"Oh, thank Thor."

"You saw someone riding all of those Singetails!"


{Melia's POV}

I gripped the railing tightly as I watched the aerial assault from my place on the ship. My home and friends were being attacked and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Suddenly, I saw one of the riders blast a flyer off of their Singetail. One of Saiya's flyers it seemed. I didn't dare celebrate though because the next thing I knew, that same rider was falling off of their dragon.

"Dragon rider down. In the southern forest. That appears to be Ingerman." Viggo reported, drawing my attention to him and Krogan. "We can retrieve him, but take him alive. He knows more about dragons than almost anyone."

"Not more than me." Krogan claimed. "Besides, all the more reason to finish him." My grip tightened on the railing, but I made no move to interfere. I couldn't break my cover now. Not when I've only just begun. "I'll take care of this, and you do what we brought you here to do." Krogan ordered Viggo before turning to walk away from him.

"I don't take orders from anyone." Viggo argued.

"You'll do what I say because it's my operation."

"If memory serves, you came looking for me. Perhaps we should go back to the way things were." I glanced between them. Are they fighting? What's going on? I thought they were supposed to be a team.

"Hmm. Viggo... Alone, each of us, in our own right, are, shall we say, dangerous." Krogan claimed, walking back up to Viggo to place a hand on his shoulder. "But together, think of the possibilities. We need each other, like it or not." Krogan released Viggo's shoulder and walked back down the length of the ship to where Saiya was waiting with his and her own Singetail. "We'll find this Ingerman and bring him in." Krogan claimed, mounting his Titanwing Singetail. Krogan's Singetail hopped into the sky and flew towards the Edge. Saiya mounted her own Singetail immediately afterwards and turned to me.

"Keep an eye on things down here." Saiya ordered. I nodded, watching as she took off after Krogan. After a few moments of watching, I sighed, forcing myself to look away. Everything will be fine. I just have to get through this. Everything will be- My thoughts were cut off by someone grabbing my wrist. My gaze shot to the person who had grabbed me, fully prepared to yell at them, but I froze. It was Viggo.

"Might I have a word with you?" Viggo's eyes flicked to the side as a hunter passed by before focusing back on me. "In private." I pushed my panic down and narrowed my eyes at him.

"You can speak to me here." I claimed. Viggo narrowed his eyes at me before turning his gaze to the railing. I followed his gaze and felt my blood freeze over as I realized just what he was looking at. My gloves had ridden up from how tightly I was gripping the railing, exposing my wrists... and the Night Fury tattoo inked into the wrist that Viggo wasn't holding.

"I'm afraid I must insist." Viggo argued, releasing my wrist. I quickly yanked my gloves back up, hiding the tattoo from any other prying eyes.

"Very well, sir. Lead the way." I grit out, gesturing to the side as I glared at him. Viggo nodded and started walking towards the stairs that lead below deck. I hesitantly followed him. No turning back now.

<Decided to try something new by splitting a chapter between multiple people. Might try doing this more often so that I don't have to make a new chapter each time I want a POV change.

Anyway, sorry for the cliffhanger, but hey! Viggo knows now that "Shade" is Melia.

Do you think this will be a good or bad reunion?

Find out in the next chapter!>

Soul of a Warrior (An RTTE Fanfic - Sequel to Heart of a Dragon Whisperer)Where stories live. Discover now