Chapter 53 (Storm)

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"You have another Dragon Eye laying around. Of course he does." Dagur claimed, making me chuckle as he took back his earlier statement.

"At this point, you'd think you'd stop being surprised when Hiccup does stuff like this." I remarked, nudging his arm.

"I call it the 'Dragon Eye Two'."

"Oh, 'Dragon Eye Two'. That is some weak sauce right there. We're gonna give you a CBB on that." Ruffnut claimed.

"Uh, I'm sorry, 'CBB'?" Hiccup asked.

"Contrived by a bonehead.' It's a technical term." Tuffnut explained. "Let me pitch one more before you leave. 'The Thorston-Thorton'." Hiccup and I sighed. "Ain't nothing wrong with double Thorstons. Am I right, sis?"

"I, for one, think Hiccup should be applauded for his ingenuity. It works, right, brother?"

"Well, not quite yet. You see this dial here? You turn it to slide in different colored gems for the light to filter through. I still ned those gems." Hiccup explained.

"Perhaps my humble, yet vast and varied trading skills might be of some minor assistance in their procurement, Master Hiccup?" Trader Johann suddenly spoke up, drawing our attention to him as he entered the clubhouse.

"Johann, what are you doing here?" Snotlout asked.

"Yeah, I mean, we literally saw you a couple days ago." I added, equally confused.

"I come bearing a gift for Miss Heather. A mea culpa, if you will, for her ghastly experience at the Northern Markets."

"Save it, Johann. She's not here."

"Oh, pity." Johann said, seemingly annoyed with Snotlout's interruption.

"Yeah. But back up, Johann, to the part where you help find the jewels to finish the Dragon Eye Two."

"I have no doubt I can obtain these baubles for you, Master Hiccup. I shall personally deliver them to your door in three to four moons." Johann offered.

"No. No, no. We can't wait that long, Johann." Hiccup argued.

"There is a slight possibility to obtain them at the Northern Markets. But I think we all know the dangers that place possesses."

"Well, we'll just have to risk it."

"Hiccup, there has to be another way. The Northern Markets has just gotten too unpredictable." Fishlegs argued.

"Shame really. It truly is a virtual cornucopia of gemstones." Johann claimed.

"Toothless and I can protect you, Johann. I have to finish the Dragon Eye Two right away."

"All right, then. I shall rely on you and the mighty Toothless to ensure my safe return." Johann relented. "One small question: do you know the exact sizes of the gems you need?"

"Not exactly, but I could bring the Dragon Eye along to measure."

"Capital idea! And perhaps the lenses as well, so that we can immediately elucidate the efficact of each stone, hmm?" Johann suggested.

"Will do. Everyone else, go with Dagur to try and get his lens back."

"Not so fast." Tuffnut butted in.

"We're coming with you." Ruffnut claimed.

"While I do appreciate the offer of assistance, perhaps a smaller party is a smarter party."

"When has that ever worked? Besides, we have to watch out peerless leader's back. And we might have to pick up a gift for Chicken's birthday. You know how hard she is to shop for."

Soul of a Warrior (An RTTE Fanfic - Sequel to Heart of a Dragon Whisperer)Where stories live. Discover now