Chapter 51 (Storm)

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Heather, Snotlout, Johann, and I raced through the maze of sea stacks, doing our best to avoid the Dragon Flyers that were gaining on us.

"Heather, behind you!" Snotlout called, drawing my attention to the green Singetail tailing Windshear.

"I see him!" Heather called back, pulling Windshear into a vertical incline at the last moment, making the Dragon Flyer fly straight into the sea stack ridge, knocking him off of his dragon. Suddenly, Johann lost his grip on Windshears saddle and went falling towards the ocean.

"Starfire!" I exclaimed, pressing myself flat against her body as she shot forward, diving after Johann and grabbing him with her talons. "Good girl!" I called over Johann's screams of terror. "Now, loop." Starfire roared in understanding flying backwards in an wide aerial loop, releasing him at the summit of the loop, which made him scream again before catching him on her back. The merchant immediately wrapped his arms around my waist for balance and ducked his face into my back.

"For the sake of my fragile heart, Miss Storm, please, never do that again!" Johann pleaded, his breathing labored from fear.

"Whoops! Sorry, Johann!" I apologized, turning my attention back to Heather who was now surrounded by multiple Dragon Flyers. Suddenly, one Singetail fired a shot at her and in her attempt to dodge, she fell out of her saddle and started plummeting towards the ocean. I watched as Hookfang dove after her and grabbed her with his talons just before she hit the water.

"Quick! Get me to my dragon." I heard Heather call as we came up beside Hookfang. We looped around, ready to get Heather back to Windshear, only to find her trapped in a net by Krogan and his flyers. "Snotlout, keep going!"

"There's nothing we can do right now; there's too many of them and Hookfang and Starfire seem to be getting tired from all the flying today, especially with the extra people they're carrying right now." Snotlout argued.

"So what? We just abandon her?"

"No. We're making a tactical retreat. Our dragons need to rest and we need to come up with a plan." I claimed, agreeing with Snotlout as I took notice of Starfire's heavy breathing.

"Right. So, the sooner we set these guys down somewhere, the better chance your dragon has to survive." With that said, we turned Hookfang and Starfire around and started heading for the nearest island.

"Um, are we going really fast, or is it just me?" I heard Heather call out, drawing my attention to Hookfang as he started to loose altitude, fast.

"Nope. Coming in hot!"

"Snotlout!" I called out, watching as Hookfang narrowly avoided a sea stack and landed hard on the sand, Heather tumbling as Hookfang released her and Snotlout shooting forward out of his saddle and into the sand. "Down, Starfire!" I ordered. The second, her feet touched the sand and Johann let go of me, I jumped out of her saddle and ran to Heather, helping her up. After making sure she was okay, I ran to Snotlout to check on him. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, sis. Nothing I haven't dealt with before." Snotlout claimed before turning towards Hookfang. "You okay, big boy?" Hookfang whined, curling his tail and wings in. Starfire bounded over the second Johann was off of her and bumped her snout against Hookfang's, emitting a soft purr from within her throat.

"He just needs rest, Snotlout. I'm sure he'll be fine soon." I reassured, helping my brother stand.

"Yeah, I know." Snotlout said. He stepped closer to Hookfang, laying a hand on his snout. "Rest up, Hookie. We really need you."

"Same goes for you, Starfire." I said, patting her head. Starfire purred before moving to lie down beside Hookfang, the fiery dragon laying his wing over her like a blanket as he brought his tail in closer. They're comforting each other just like a sibling would, I thought as I gazed upon them. An arm wrapped around my shoulders, making me glance up at Snotlout. Despite his issues with showing his true feelings, Snotlout's eyes were always very telling. He was worried. I turned my gaze back towards our dragons, shifting just enough to rest my hand comfortingly upon my brother's back.

Soul of a Warrior (An RTTE Fanfic - Sequel to Heart of a Dragon Whisperer)Where stories live. Discover now