Chapter 15 (Melia)

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"Okay, Melia. I get that you missed me, but you're literally cutting off my oxygen supply." Storm remarked, her words not at all working in making me release her from my embrace. 

"Then you'll have to hold your breath for the next few minutes because I'm not letting you go." I argued, however I was reluctantly pulled away from her by Lilac, allowing Starfire to nudge her side. I sighed, pouting as I crossed my arms, earning laughter from the two female Night Furies and my best friend. 

"I told you that I'm fine, Melia." 

"And I told you I don't want to loose anyone else. I've lost so many people and dragons in my life, you know." Storm shook her head, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. 

"I'm not going anywhere. Believe me." I nodded, turning back towards Johann and the others. 

"I must say, Master Hiccup, you and your team always seem to right the wrongs in this mad, mad world. With the vicious Sandbuster beach closed to incoming traffic, the flow of commerce can, once again, commence." Johann stated before turning his attention to Snotlout, "And, speaking of commerce, Master Snotlout, I've been admiring your bejeweled weapon. Simply dazzling." Storm and I turned towards Snotlout, my gaze falling to the sword resting against his shoulder. I tilted my head my brows furrowing as I eyed it. For some reason it seemed... familiar. 

"Save it, Johann. It's not for sale." Snotlout remarked, followed by the Twins' excessive yammering, and sobbing from Tuffnut's part. 

"And with that, I bid you adieu." Johann said, waving goodbye as he turned away. I shook my head, turning towards group with Storm. 

"So, any ideas what the dragon that was down there was? I mean we called it the Sandbuster, but do you have any idea what species it really was?" Storm asked, releasing my shoulders to fully turn towards me. I crossed my arms and shook my head, 

"No. I've actually never seen, nor heard of a dragon like that before." 

"Really?! We found a dragon you've never heard of?!" Storm remarked sarcastically, earning a push from myself. 

"Hey, I only act like I know everything, doesn't mean I actually do." Storm laughed. 

"Hey, watch it!" Storm and I turned at Hiccups yell to see Snotlout had been messing with the sword he found and had lost his grip on it, sending it flying at Hiccup and Astrid. I stared at it as it stuck out of the ground, my eyes widening as my heart beat loudly in my ears. I felt like I was underwater, the words of everyone around me muffled. I squeezed my eyes shut, covering my ears as images of the past flooded back. 

"Melia!" I shook my head, ignoring the muffled calls. "No, no, no... Not now... Please..." I pleaded under my breath, crouching down as everything, all my emotions, my anger, and grief, and fear all came crashing in on me. I couldn't, I just couldn't take it. 

"Melia, snap out of it!" I snapped my eyes open, gasping for breath as I look up at Storm, her eyes filled with worry, her hands grasping my shoulders tightly. I looked around to see the other riders circled around me, watching me with worry in their eyes as well. "Melia..." I glanced back up at Storm, "Are you okay?" I stared at her for a few minutes, trying very hard to hold back my tears, but... 

"No..." I admitted, letting my tears fall as Storm hugged me close, for she knew. She knew what had happened, what seeing that sword had triggered. That sword... Viggo's sword...

<Oh no... Melia may have just had an emotional breakdown triggered by Viggo's sword. Poor girl... Oh no, the all riders witnessed her breakdown. Wonder what they'll think of it... Hope you enjoyed!>

Soul of a Warrior (An RTTE Fanfic - Sequel to Heart of a Dragon Whisperer)Where stories live. Discover now