Happy Birthday

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Dave's pov;
Tomorrow would be Marie's birthday and I haven't think of any surprise for her. Then, I called her house.
A familiar voice said, " Hello, who is this?"
I said, " Uhm, is this Danielle?"
She said, " Dave is that you!?"
I said, " Yes it is me Danielle. Uhm, can you do me a favor?"
She said, " Sure what is it?"
I said, " Can you tell Marie that I can't go to her birthday tomorrow. Please. I just have another visitor tomorrow and I can't go to her birthday."
She said, " Ok, but don't forget to greet her."
I said, " Sure.. Can I talk to her now?"
She said, " Wait for a moment.. I'll just call her."
Then, I waited for Marie to answer the phone and heard a shout from Danielle that I was on the phone.
Marie said, " Hello. Dave is that you." In a soft voice.
I said, " Yes it is me Marie."
She said, " Why did you call?"
I said, " I just want you to greet happy birthday in advance."
She said, " Why, can't you go to my birthday?"
I said, " Yes... I can't go be cause I got a visitor tomorrow."
She said, " Ok.. That's fine I understand."
We said goodbye and put down the phone. I told Joy that I'm going to Marie's birthday tomorrow but it would be our own secret. So, I went out to buy her a gift, and found a perfect one that is just right for her and it would be a ring. Then, I went back home and asked permission to my parents that I would go to Marie's birthday. They allowed me to go to her birthday and went to my room to make a letter for her. Then, I just found a perfect wrapper to wrap the gift and the letter.
Marie's pov;
Danielle told me that Dave wouldn't be here on my birthday. So, I was ad for that but he still makes me happy after all. I slept early tonight, and got a message from someone whom I didn't knew.
It said, " Hi Marie this is Peter... I just want to greet you happy birthday in advance. I know I've hurt you a lot... Please forgive me.☺️"
I don't wanna reply this message. So, I deleted it cause I know I would be hurt again. So, I went to sleep. The next day, I woke up just right in time. Then, I go to bath and fixed my hair then wore my most beautiful clothes for my birthday. I opened my facebook account and saw many greetings from my friends. Then, I went down and ate breakfast with my family. I saw that the whole house was decorated with beautiful decors. My family greeted me and finished our breakfast. Then, prepared for my party on lunch. Then, visitors came. I saw Joy, then, I asked her if Dave have some plans to do today.
She said, " Nope, I even haven't herd him talking last night. Then, I sat on my couch and took pictures with my friends. Then we ate lunch, and blowed my cake. After everybody gone home. We need to clean the house but I heard a knock on our door. So, my sister went and opened it but she saw no one so she decided to go out and see if who it is then, she went back inside.
She said, " Marie someone's looking for you.. You should go outside first."
Then I said, " Ok. "
I went out side and was shocked that Dave was there.
I said, " Dave! You're here.. I thought that you can't come! "
He said, " And why shouldn't I visit my birthday celebrant."
Then, he handed me a gift. Then, I read a letter. It was so sweet that makes me blush. Then, opened the gift he gave me. It was a small box and I opened it. I saw that it was a beautiful ring.
He said, " Do you love it?"
I said, " Yes... Thank you Dave..."
I hugged him and invite him to go to my room. Then , we went to my room and talked. As he said goodbye to me.
I whispered, " 143443."
He said, " 143443 too."
Then he went outside and waved goodbye to me. I went down to help my family cleaning and go outside to eat dinner. We went home late and I go to a bath. I saw my phone ring that it would be a message from Dave. Then, I read the message saying goodnight to me. And I said goodnight to him too. Then I went to sleep. I got a wonderful day today. The next day, I woke up so early and just sat on my bed getting my phone. Then I saw that Peter texted me again saying, " Marie , I'm so sorry for what I've done to you. I know it's hard for you to forgive me but please forgive me... Give me another chance to love you."

I texted, " Peter, I already forgave you but I can't give you another chance to love me cause I'm in love already to Dave... I wish you can understand, and please don't ever let me see your face again because I don't want to remember the past. Also don't text me gain ok."
The message was sent, and I deleted our conversation. Then I tried to text Dave. I don't think his awake by now. Then I saw my phone saying that I got a message from Dave.
He said, " Goodmorning K.c.. It's early in the morning why did you text actually?"
I said, " Did I woke you up?"
He said, " Nope... I always wake up early."
I said, " Oh ok... I just miss you and that's all."
He said, " I miss you too but don't worry school is almost there."
I said, " Yeah right!"
Then we kept on texting till it's time for me to get ready.

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