Chapter 13

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Dave's pov;
The next day, I woke up early just because Joy called me.
She said, " Dave I am so sorry if I wake you up but you need to know something."
I said, " What do I need to know something?"
She said, " Marie unfriended you in fb."
I said, " What!! That's impossible."
She said, " Well look at your account for yourself."
I said, " Ok.. Bye I will look at it don't call again."
She said, " Ok, bye."
I logged in my account and watched my list of friends in FB. Joy was right Marie unfriended me. I got to talk to her. So, called her.
She said, " Hello?"
I said, " Did I wake you up?"
She said, " Nope."
I said, " Why did you unfriended me?"
She said, " Dave I'm sorry, but I don't have feelings for you anymore. I still have feelings for Peter."
I said," What!!! Don't talk to me anymore starting today!"
She said," Dave I'm sorry.."
I said, " There's nothing between us already."
I ended the call and went to the bathroom to wash. I said to myself that I don't want to go to school, but I needed to. After washing, I called Joy to talk.
I said, " Joy we are over."
She said, " What do you mean?"
I said, " She still have feelings for Peter."
She said, " Dave calm down ok just act normal in the carpool. I'll just leave you a seat there. Don't seat beside her today."
I said, " Be sure it's far."
She said, " No problem, so see you later."
I said, " Yeah, I just need to refresh my mind."
We ended the call and I went down to have breakfast.

Marie's pov;
Dave called me and I tried to explain everything but don't want me to talk to him. I kept on crying until my alarm has rang. My sister saw me crying and asked me what happened.
I said, " Me and Dave are over."
She said," What I'll talk to him!"
I said, " Don't it's all my fault why he is angry with me."
She said, " What do you mean?"
I said, " I still have feelings for Peter and I unfriended him."
She said, " It's ok Marie just try to move on."
After getting ready for school and eating breakfast, our carpool just arrived.
Joy said, " Hey Marie."
I saw her far and put her bag next to her, maybe she mows about it.

Dave's pov;
My carpool arrived and saw Marie leaving a chair for me but I didn't sat there I sat beside Joy.
Joy said, " Dave your eyes."
I said, " Give me your mirror."
Joy gave me her mirror and saw my eyes red and I got eye bogs. When, Marie saw my eyes I got my shades and covered my eyes. Joy gave my a medicine for my eyes.
Joy said, " Was it really bad."
I shouted, " Bad like a pit bull."
Joy said, " Calm down. Don't express it here inside cause she's here too."
I said, " It hurts so much."
Joy said, " Come on you still have friends. Also find another girl already."
I said, " I'm not going to ride this carpool forever again."
Joy said, " You mean you will just go home alone."
I said, " Yes."
Joy said, " Let's see, actually I'm going to change another carpool and maybe you can join."
I said, " that's not a problem. "
Joy said, " I will ride starting tomorrow maybe you can meet the driver this afternoon."
I said, " Can you come with me?"
Joy said, " Not a problem."
Then, we arrived at school. Me and Joy went to our classroom together. Then, Marie called Joy so went in first.

Marie's pov;
I said, " Joy why is Dave sitting beside you and what did he told you?"
Joy said, " He doesn't want to sit beside you actually of being hurt, and he told me that he would transfer carpool already with me."
I said, " Joy please tell him that I need to explain everything."
Joy said, " Ok, I'll try but just give him space first."
I said, " Thank you Joy."
Joy said, " No problem. Go to your classroom already."
I went to my classroom and just remained silent. After dismissal, I saw Dave with other girls and he looked at me and then looked away. I saw Joy running to me.
Joy said, " He doesn't want your explanation already. Also he doesn't want to be with you."
I said, " It's ok Joy."
Joy said," Don't be sad maybe he will just try not to notice you."
I said, " Is the driver there?"
Joy said, " Yes, and I need to get Dave."
She went to Dave and saw them talking at each other. We went inside and Dave kept on looking outside wearing his shades. When I arrived at home, I tried to contact him but he doesn't answer. I tried to text him but he only uses emoticons. Then, I texted Joy.
I said, " Joy is Dave getting crazy?"
She said," I think so because he doesn't pay attention in class and kept on making excuses."
I said, " ok, please just tell me what happened to him everyday."
She said, " Ok."
I went down to eat dinner and worked on my assignments. Before I slept I kept on thinking about Dave. I can't sleep just because I kept on remembering our memories together. The next day, I woke up and tried to act normal and do my normal days routine. I went inside the carpool and received a paper from Joy of what Dave told her. I felt guilty of what I have don to him. When it was lunch break, I saw Joy outside of my classroom and called me.
She said, " Marie, Dave is attempting suicide in the bridge."
I said, " Let's go."
We went to the bridge and saw Dave beyond the fence of the bridge standing looking down. There were many students crowded downstairs.
Joy said, " Dave, get back here now!"
He said, " No!"
I said, " Dave please don't do this now!"
He said, " I told you not to talk to me, but you still don't understand."
He was going to jump, but I said, " I'm sorry ok!"
He said, " Your too late."
I said, " If your going to do that then I'll go with you."
He said, " Don't ! You don't own me already."
I said, " I still own you cause your my best friend!"
Joy said, " Dave don't let pull you back here."
He said, " I'm not going back!"
Joy said, " Dave!!"
I said, " Please! I still have feelings with you but I don't also want to hurt you cause I also have feelings for him."
He said, " don't tell me that!"
I saw joy climbing on the fence and tried to talk to him for a while. Then, he went back with joy and told me to go with them. We were at the gym.
She said, " Now you two should talk right now, at this moment and at this place!"
He said, " No!"
She said, " Dave do you to suffer all your pain here and I tell you it would not be so easy to move on if you would let her explain everything!"
He said, " Fine!"
I said, " Joy don't do this it's ok."
She said, " No you need to explain."
I said, " Dave, I still love you but I also love Peter as a crush."
He said, " Then, why did you tell me that you don't have feelings for me."
I said, " Because I love you."
He said nothing and there was silence.
She said, " Now she said everything to you Dave I would leave the two of you here."
He said, " No, just wait for me."
I said, " Dave I'm sorry."
He said, " Don't be sorry it's my fault of not listening to you. I'll meet you at the back gate after dismissing our class adviser."
I said, " ok."
Then, he kissed my chick and went with joy heading back to their classroom.
After dismissal.....
I saw Dave at the back gate and waved his hand at me. I went near him and said hello.
He said, " Come with me."
I said, " Where?"
He said, " Just trust me."
He hold my hand and went inside the carpool. I saw nobody in there and all the windows are closed. He put his hand on my chick and kissed me on the lips. I tried to pull back but h e doesn't let me go. Then, he pulled back.
I said, " Now, your not changing carpool?"
He said, " Nope cause that was just a joke."
Then, he went outside leaving the door open and watched him going to call Joy. I kept on smiling until my sister came.
Danielle said, " Why are you smiling?"
I said, " Nothing"
She said, " oh really!"
I said, " Dave kissed me."
She said, "where?"
Dave said, " On her lips."
She said, " oh my g!!"
Then, when all of us was in the carpool, Dave sat beside me and put his back on his lap to hide something. He hold my hand and I put my bag on my lap to hide it, then, he let go of it when he needs to go.

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