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"Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be."

Unfortunately, as much as I would love to keep things the same, I can't control what destiny has in store for me. I was living a simple and peaceful life with my mom whom I love the most, but I had to secure my future as well, so I decided to squeeze out of my comfort zone and move back to our childhood hometown, Edina Minnesota. I was given an amazing opportunity to be a part of an excellent team, The Hawks. I wonder if I'll fit in just right.

[Knock Knock!]

I woke up to my mom at the door carrying breakfast. "Good morning." She smiled, putting the breakfast she prepared on my nightstand and sitting down on my bed.

"So, are you ready?" She asked, I nodded. "Yeah, I'm just gonna miss you," I replied, smiling sadly at her.

"I'm going to miss you too, but you need to go El. This is your dream, right? And besides Aunt Tess, will be there to take care of you." I chuckled as she mentioned my favorite cool aunt, she's the type of aunt that everyone wants to be best friends with.

"Now eat your breakfast and get ready, I'll be downstairs if you need me." She smiled before leaving my room.

After eating breakfast, I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom to shower quickly. After I'm done using the bathroom and changing into a plain black t-shirt and denim shorts. My mom helped me pack all my stuff including my hockey gear.

We reminisced about the times when I was still a toddler and broke a couple of my mom's vases and windows including her car window with my hockey puck. It was a great time, and I'm ready to make amazing ones in the future. I promised my mom that I'll stay in touch and send a couple of polaroids as I go.

Time went so fast that we didn't realize Aunt Tessie arrived at the driveway. It was time for me to leave, my mom helped me with my bags and went to the garage with me where my aunt was waiting.

While my mom and aunt were discussing my scholarship, I looked back at every corner of our house, never wanting to leave.

[#1 Hockey Master] at one of the awards, I received when I was ten.

"Promise me you'll visit?" I asked my mom while Aunt Tessie went to the car.

"I promise." She replied before kissing me on the forehead and hugging me.

Our moment was cut short as Aunt Tessie spoke abruptly. "Are you guys done there? We're going to miss our flight, El." I turned in her direction as she leans against the car waiting for me.

"I'll be there in a sec!" I exclaimed before facing my mother again. "Ok, mom I got to go now."

"Just be careful out there and don't forget to call me when you're not busy, ok? I love you."

"Of course, mom and I love you too." I kissed her cheek before going to the car. "You ready?" Aunt Tessie asked, I nodded as we got into the car.

While Aunt Tessie was driving, I listened to a song on my Walkman and closed my eyes while I waited for us to arrive at the airport.

So, you see, my dad passed away when I was 7 so it was just me and my mom, sometimes Aunt Tess visits us during holidays. My mom works as a lawyer while Aunt Tessie works as a nurse in the city, but they don't get to see each other too often due to work schedules.

I always thought my aunt was a really cool person because she's been with my mom before I was born so she's basically my first real friend. I remember being a little bit shy around her cause of how much I'd been taught about manners but she always seemed happy and nice so that didn't help me. She did teach me how to play volleyball though and we would hang out a lot after I got home from school.

My life here in my hometown was boring I never had real friends here. Well, let's just say only temporary friends. But hey that's better than having no one.

But hopefully, it'll be different this time.

[𝟏] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now