C H A P T E R 8

848 15 0

I watched intently as the referee dropped the puck. I winced as Banks was being pushed around like a rag doll between Larson and McGill. "Traitor!"

Larson got the puck and skated away while McGill didn't stop pushing Banks until he made sure Banks was on the ground. Banks groaned and stood up from the ice.

I sighed pulling my hair in stress. I looked up again to see Banks had the puck. "Banks, two comin' hard!" Charlie alerted Banks. Banks passed the puck away before he got knocked down by McGill and Larson. "Banks gets knocked down against the boards. The puck is intercepted by the Hawks." I closed my eyes and breathed heavily as the Hawks scored.

Germaine got the puck and skated to the Hawks' goal but the Hawks defended their goal and checked him. Larson got the puck and passed it to McGill. McGill skated and circled our goal. We groaned as he scored.

Then after they scored one more time, Bombay called a timeout. "Don't be scared of them, Ducks. That's what they want. Keep your heads up. Play proud. Let's fly! Come on, let's go!" Bombay said, motivating us then he glanced at me. "Cromwell, you're on" I smirked and nodded at him, they all cheered and patted my shoulder as I make my way to the ice.

I glanced at the Hawks bench, they were eyeing Banks like they are planning something. I furrowed my eyebrows and suspiciously narrowed my eyes at them before skating away.

The referee dropped the puck, and the Hawks pushed Banks and got the puck. They skated away then I pushed them, stealing the puck from them, then passing it to Charlie, and Charlie passing it to Banks. "Taken by Banks. Here's, Banks across the blue line!" while the announcer was announcing that, I skated beside Banks and looked behind him. I saw McGill attempting to push him, so I pushed Banks aside and steal the puck from him causing McGill to push me hard.

I fell on the ice and slid against the side goal, hitting my head hard even though I have a helmet. I closed my eyes, I can't move, and my head hurts. "Adel! Adel, are you okay?" I heard someone says but I can't seem to comprehend who said it because of the feeling of my head pounding.

Suddenly I felt someone put me on the stretcher, I opened my eyes to see everyone gathering on my side. "Hey" Banks softly said. "Did it go in?" I asked while slightly smiling, he nodded "that's good" I chuckled, glancing at everyone. "Do me a favor, kick some Hawk butts" they all chuckled. Charlie smiled at me and nodded before the paramedics pulled me away. Aunt Tess and my mom came into my view.

"Baby, are you okay?" mom asked me. "She'll be okay, ma'am. We need to take some X-rays, though" the paramedics answered, my mom, nodded before kissing my forehead.


I woke up with my head pounding and saw Aunt Tessie sitting on the chair beside the bed that I was laying on and reading a magazine. I groaned before sitting up. "Oh you're awake," Aunt Tess said, putting the magazine down.

"Where am I? And where's mom?" I asked, rubbing my forehead. "Relax, you're in the clinic room and your mom went to get some food, in case you woke up and got hungry" I nodded before laying down again.

The door opened and saw mom coming in. "Hey, el. How's your head?" she asked, sitting down on the other chair, across from Aunt Tess. "It still hurts a little bit."

"Here drink this, the doctor said it'll ease the pain," she said, giving me a pill and water. Then the door opened again as I drank the pill. "Ma'am you have visitors," the nurse said before stepping aside and allowing the visitors to come in.

I grinned as I saw the Ducks and Bombay come in. "El!" they exclaimed before tackling me in a hug, I chuckled, hugging them back. "Careful guys," Bombay said, gently pulling them off me. "So did we win?" I asked and they all grinned.

"Hell yeah! We did" Bombay chuckled as they exclaimed while Connie shushed them. "Keep it down, we're in the clinic" they all nodded and muttered 'right.'

"So, how's your head?" Bombay asked. "It still hurts a little bit, but I already drank a medicine so it'll get better."

"So, how did we win?" I sat up straight. "Well we did win because of Charlie here," Goldberg said, pointing at Charlie who was blushing. "Really?" I chuckled and smiled at him, Averman nodded. "Yeah, he's like, swish the puck to left, swish the puck to right and then we won as he successfully shot the puck in the net" we all laughed as Averman imitated Charlie. Charlie blushed hard, lightly hitting Averman on his arm with the back of his hand.

"You know it sucks I didn't get to finish the game" I sighed, Connie, shook her head. "At least you look pretty badass saving Adam Banks' ass" they all laughed. "So hitting my head against the goal makes me a badass?" I asked while chuckling, and she shrugged. "Connie!" we both laughed.

"Don't worry kid, there's still next year" Bombay assured me, I smiled and nodded. The door opened again and the nurse came in. "I'm sorry but the doctor said she needs to rest" they all nodded before smiling and waving at me as they leave the clinic room.

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