C H A P T E R 4

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I went to Mickey's since I was bored at home and sat at the diner's stool next to the boy that was wearing his cap backward, doing his homework. "Hi, what can I get for you?" the lady asked me with a smile on her face.

"Just a strawberry milkshake and French fries please," I said, returning the smile. She nodded and walked away to prepare my order.

I noticed the boy beside me was familiar. "Conway?" he weirdly looked at me. "I'm Adelaide Cromwell, from th-" he spoke up before I could finish my sentence. "I know."

I slowly nodded at him "well I thought you didn't recognize me, sooo..." My order arrived, I smiled and thanked the lady before glancing at the boy again.

"You want some?" I said, handing my French fries to him, he shooked his head "I'm good."

"So, since you knew my full name, can I ask what your first name is?" he glanced at me for a sec before looking back at his homework again. "Charlie," he said in a monotonous tone. 

Suddenly the bells above the door rang signifying that someone had entered the diner. I turned around and saw Banks walking in and sitting on the stool before glancing at me, he raised his eyebrows at me. "What are you doing here?" he said harshly. "I could ask you the same thing, Banks," I said, rolling my eyes at him before drinking my milkshake, and he scoffed. "I'm here to pick up my order," he said before looking behind me.

"So I see you're hanging out with Conway now, huh? Looks like he's not interested in hanging out with you."

"Why do you care? At least I'm not hanging out with someone like you and your nincompoop friends" I spat and heard Charlie snort behind me. "Well, at least I have someone who likes hanging out with me."

"Well, we never know, Banks because your so-called 'friends' will soon gonna turn their backs on you and stop hanging out with you if we officially on our new team" I stated, he just kept silent before the lady put his order on the counter. "Your order is ready."

He grabbed his order before standing up and leaving the diner without a word. I turned around to look at Charlie.

"Well I should go now," I said, standing up from the diner's stool, he didn't look at me, he just kept quiet like I was not there and continued doing his homework. I awkwardly nodded at him.

"Yep, I should go now" I muttered before leaving the diner.


While I was reading in the living room I decided to call my mom, so I stood up from the couch and went to the telephone that was hanging on the wall and dialed the number.


"Hey, mom" I smiled even though she can't see it.

"Oh hey el, how are you doing?" I sighed. "I'm doing good, how about you?"

"I'm doing good too, I just missed you."

"I missed you too, mom. When are you gonna visit here?" I asked. "As soon as I can, okay?" I heard her sigh through the phone. "I gotta work now el, I'm a bit busy right now, I'll call you when I'm not busy. I love you" I nodded.

"Okay, I love you too, mom" after that the line disconnected. I sighed, putting the phone back on the wall.

I got back on the couch again and continued reading the book I was reading before I called my mom. It was my favorite book. The Chronicles of Narnia. It was a gift from Aunt Tess since she knows I love reading, and Edmund Pevensie was my favorite character from that book.

I started to zone out thinking about all the different things happening during that story. Like all the stuff the Pevensies do in Narnia... and also all the things the characters do in there. Sometimes I forget the real world. I looked around at the clock on the wall and I realized that I'd been sitting there for almost two hours. I closed my book, put the bookmark in, and set it down on the coffee table. Then I heard the front door opened.

"El, I'm home! And I brought dinner" I went to her "hey, Aunt Tess, can we play some board games after dinner?" she glanced at me for a sec before nodding "sure."

"Yeyy" I said, clapping my hands before we went to kitchen to eat.

[𝟏] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now