C H A P T E R 3

997 20 4

It was 6:00 pm when Aunt Tessie knocked on my door. "What is it?!" I yelled, pausing the music that was playing in my room. "Dress nicely, a guest was coming here for a dinner" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but still get dressed anyway.

When I came downstairs, I went to the dining room and saw a lot of food on the table. "So who's the special guest?" I asked and sat at the dining chair and drank a juice.

"Oh, I invited the Banks to dinner" Aunt Tessie replied while she was setting up the food on the dining table, I choked on my juice.

"You invited Banks to dinner?!" I stared at her in shock, she looked at me confused and was about to say something but the doorbell rang. "Oh, that's them" I groaned and slumped back on my chair as she went to get the door.

"Hey, Philip, please come in" I heard Aunt Tessie say as they went to the dining room. "Sorry my wife can't come today she's busy with something about work" Banks seems to be in a grumpy mood because he was frowning.

"Oh no it's fine" Aunt Tessie smiled at the man before sitting down at the dining chairs, she sat next to me, while the man sat across from her and Banks sat next to his father which means he sat opposite me.

"Hi Mr. Banks nice to meet you, I'm Adelaide Cromwell" I introduced myself and held my hand out to shake his hand which he gladly takes it.

"Well, nice to meet you too, Adelaide, I'm Philip Banks and I'm sure you already met my son here since you guys are on the same team" Banks rolled his eyes as his father patted him on the shoulder.

"So Adelaide, what do your parents do for a living?" Banks' father asked me.

"Oh, my mother has been working as a lawyer for 7 years."

"And your father?"

"Uh, he passed away," I mumbled, glancing down at my plate.

"Oh, I'm sorry" he frowned.

"It's fine," I said while Aunt Tessie put her hand on my back in a comforting manner.

Mr. Banks nodded before turning to my aunt and starting a conversation with her. I glanced at the boy across from me, he looked like he wanted to say something but shooked his head and continue eating his food.

As I'm gonna take the last piece of chicken on the plate in front of me I felt a hand brush against mine, I looked up at Banks and we both quickly retracted our hands from each other, I frowned at him and he weirdly looked at me.

We both looked down at the last piece of chicken, looking up again we stared at each other for a moment before quickly grabbing the chicken at the same time, I felt him kick my shin under the table, I hissed and let the chicken go.

"Everything alright?" Mr. Banks asked me. "Yeah, everything's just fine" I faked a smile at him while rubbing my shin under the table, he suspiciously glanced at his son and me before turning back to Aunt Tessie, continuing their conversation.

I turned to Banks and glared at him while he was trying to hold his laugh. I also kicked his shin. He hissed, rubbing his shin under the table and glaring at me, now it was my turn to hold a laugh before sticking my tongue out to him and continuing eating my food.

As soon as the dinner ended we stood up and went to the door. "Thanks for the dinner" Mr. Banks said while putting on his coat. "Anytime" Aunt Tessie replied with a smile.

[𝟏] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now