C H A P T E R 7

882 15 0

"The surprising Ducks are still in this game against the Hornets," the announcer said. I was standing near the goal and called Banks' name, he looked at me before passing the puck to me.

"Banks moving right in front, stops and passed it to Cromwell. She shoots, she scores!" the announcer exclaimed. And suddenly we all stumbling around against the Hornets, it was pretty funny if you asked me.

"Now here's Adam Banks in the slot. He stops and shoots. He scores!"

I'm the center, the referee drops the puck and I passed it to Averman. "Back it goes to Averman. He shoots! He scores!" we all cheered when the announcer exclaimed. "The Ducks win it, 5-3 over the Hornets." We all formed in line and shook hands with the Hornets.


"What a game so far, ladies and gentlemen! The Ducks and the Cardinals! Cardinals with it in their zone, tryin' to clear it out. Pass to the blue line, intercepted by the Ducks." the announcer said as Banks got the puck. "Here's their star, Adam Banks. Banks have a great speed. Right down the middle! Goes around one man with a great move! Steps around another defender! He scores!" I cheered and stood up as he scored.

I got out of the bench and went to the center position. The referee drops the puck, I got it and skated on the way to the opponents' goal but one of them checked me, causing me to fall on the ice. Fortunately, Banks got the puck and passed it to Averman, and Averman passed it to Guy Germaine who shoots the puck into the net. "Germaine put it off the goaltender's glove into the net! And that does it! The Ducks have won! 4-2" we all went to the bench, cheering and hugging each other. "And the Ducks now get set to face the Hawks in the state finals."

We all celebrate, after the game. Spraying Coca-Cola everywhere, I wrapped my arms around Connie before we started dancing and laughing. Suddenly I felt someone pour a Coca-Cola on my head, I gasped and turned around and saw Charlie grinning. "Oh you're dead Conway," I said before chasing him. "That's for stealing my cap!"

"I didn't mean to steal it!" I exclaimed, still chasing him while everyone was laughing hard. We passed Banks, who was unimpressed. He rolled his eyes at me as we made eye contact before going in a different direction.


Someone knocked on the front door while I was reading in the living room. "El, can you get the door, please" Aunt Tess, exclaimed while baking cookies in the kitchen. I stood up and went to the front door and opened it, I gasped.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, hugging her. "I missed you" she chuckled before pulling away from the hug, caressing my cheeks. "I missed you too."

Aunt Tessie came out of the kitchen and saw her sister. "Hey there, sis" they both chuckled before mom went to her and hugged her. "Come on, let's go to the living room," I suggested, they both nodded before going to the living room.

"So, Jess how long are you gonna stay here?" Aunt Tess asked her sister, sitting down on the couch. Mom shrugged before replying. "2 days after, el's tomorrow championship game" Aunt Tess, nodded while I looked at her in confusion. "Wait, how do you know tomorrow's my championship game?" mom chuckled. "I asked your aunt of course because we're planning to watch your game."

"Really?" I said, grinning, and they both nodded. I stood up and went to my mom and aunt, hugging them both. I pulled away from the hug as I smelled something burning, and my eyes widen, and looked at Aunt Tess. "Your cookies!" her eyes widen too and immediately stands up from the couch.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" she said while making her way to the kitchen. "Language!" mom and I both scolded, we looked at each other before laughing.


We stood in a line on the ice as the national anthem played. The crowd sang as we intensely eyed the Hawks, I was in between Fulton and Banks. I glanced at the crowds to search for my mom and my aunt, then I saw them. They were both standing next to each other, when they saw I was looking at them, mom smiled and waved at me while Aunt Tess, put her two thumbs up at me and mouthed 'good luck' then the dim room lit up.

"Let's go!" Coach Bombay called as he clapped his hands. We followed him to our bench as he walked into it. We gathered in and held hands in the middle. We waited for the Hawks to finish their chants until it was our turn. "Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack" eventually the Duck fans and the parents cheered along as we chanted.

I glanced at Connie and we both smiled at each other. "Gooooo, Ducks!"

Coach sent Charlie, Adam, and Jesse onto the ice with Averman and Fulton back on defense. "Hey, Banks" Banks turned around as Jesse called him. "Don't forget what side you're on" Banks sighed before slipping his helmet on and skating onto the ice. Jesse turned to me. "You too Cromwell" I sarcastically laughed at him. "Please, if we're going to betray the Ducks, we would have done it by now."

"They're a Duck, Jesse. They'll play like a Duck" Jesse rolled his eyes before skating on the ice. I gave Coach Bombay a thankful nod before sitting on the bench, focusing on the game.

[𝟏] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now