C H A P T E R 9

867 15 5

I was in my room, sitting on my bed while reading a book and listening to my Walkman. It's been a week since the game and my mom left.

"Why can't I just come with you?" I whined while hugging my mom. "As much as I want you to come, you need to stay here with Aunt Tess, okay?" I sniffled and pulled away from the hug.

"Okay mom, just take care okay? And I call you when I'm not busy" she nodded, turning to Aunt Tess, she smiled before hugging my mom.

Then mom pulled away from the hug, she unclasped the silver bracelet around her wrist and put it on mine. It was simple but elegant, there were a lot of small stars around it and one moon in the middle. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked up at my mom, I went to her and hugged her again. "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, el," she said before pulling away from the hug and looking at Aunt Tess, one last time before leaving.

I snapped out of my trance as I heard something on my window. I got up, put down the book I was reading on the nightstand, and went to my window.

I pushed my curtains aside and saw Adam Banks throwing small rocks at my window. "What do you want? I'm gonna kill you if you break my window, Banks" I hissed as I opened my windows.

"Can you come down? I need to talk to you" he replied, ignoring my last sentence, I raised my eyebrows, surprised that he wants to talk to me.

"Why can't you just knock on my front door?" he shrugged, I rolled my eyes at him before turning around and going downstairs.

I opened the front door and went to the backyard. "So, what do you wanna talk about?" I crossed my arms, as I spotted him.

"Do you remember what McGill did to you during the game?" I narrowed my eyes as I tried to remember it before nodding slowly. "Yeah, and what about it?" he sighed. "You saved me and I never got to say 'thank you sooo." I raised my eyebrows and nodded slowly as I wait for him to continue. He took a deep breath before muttering something.

"Sorry I didn't hear you," I mocked and cupped my ears. "I said, thank you!" he said, but this time louder. "Geez, Banks no need to shout at me like that" scrunching my face as I rubbed my ears.

"But that was a week ago, why are you saying 'thank you' just now?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter at least I said 'thank you'" he rolled his eyes and continued. "Well that's all I have to say and I'm going back now because I have things to do. And this doesn't change anything Cromwell, just because I said sorry doesn't mean we're gonna be friends now" he spat the last sentence before pushing past me.

"Bold of you to assume that I want to be friends with you" I scoffed, before he could say anything I had already gone inside my house and shut the door.


"El, someone's looking for you!" Aunt Tess exclaimed, I furrowed my eyebrows as I got up from the couch, and went to the front door.

"Connie!" I hug her as soon as I saw her. "Thank God I didn't get the wrong house" she let out a breathy laugh and I pulled away from the hug. "How do you know I lived here?" she shrugged.

"Because we know where Adam Banks lives and coach said you two lived next to each other" I nodded at her explanation. "So what are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here."

"I came here because the boys were planning to play hockey on the ice rink park and I don't want you and Adam feeling excluded."

"It's nice to know didn't forget us" I grinned at her before opening the door widely so she could come in. "Wait for me in the living room while I'll just get ready and grab my things" she nodded before sitting down on the couch and I immediately sprinted upstairs.

[𝟏] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now