C H A P T E R 11

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I was standing beside Connie as we all stood in front of the bus including Charlie's mom, waiting for Coach Bombay to leave.

"Look, don't take any bad dives, okay?" Peter said as he shook hands with Coach before he stood up in front of Jesse.

"Just remember, keep your heads up, man," he said, fist bumping with him.

"Cake-eater" Banks smiled at him and I snorted as he harshly tugged Bombay's arm. Goldberg didn't say anything he just shook hands with him.

"Remember strength, not concentration" Fulton proudly said as.

"And for God's sake, soft hands" Averman whispered to him. "Right. Anything else?" Coach chuckled before asking us.

"Yeah. Have fun out there, coach" Charlie replied before hugging him.

"I must be crazy. A tryout with the minors. I'm gonna be going up against kids half my age." He shooked his head.

"You're gonna do great coach just like how you coached us" Bombay smiled and nodded at my reassurance.

"Just have a good tryout, Gordon. One step at a time" Mrs. Conway smiled at him. "Yeah, you're right" Coach replied before walking closer to her and kissing her.

I laughed at Charlie's astonished face as we all hooted.

"Bye. I'll call you when I get there" Coach said to Mrs. Conway before going on the bus.

"Banks is first in line next!" Averman and Charlie shouted as they nudged Banks who was grinning.

The bus door opened again and Bombay leaned in "Hey Ducks! No matter what happens, we'll see you next season. We got a title to defend."

We all cheered after he said that before going onto the bus again. We all waved as we chased the bus for a second until we stopped, still waving at the bus.

"Um, Charlie can I talk to you for a sec?" He glanced at me as I called him, Connie nudged me I looked at her and see her smirking at me, I feel my cheeks heated, and I ignored her standing in front of Charlie.

"What is it?" He asked, I tucked a hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry about the other day, you know, me overreacting" I nervously laughed as I apologized to him then I saw Banks in the corner of my eyes, rolling his eyes.

"Nah it's not your fault, Banks and I should be the one who apologizes" he chuckled, putting his hands in his pocket coat.

"Well, see you around, Charlie. Connie, and I must be going now" I breathed out a laugh.

He nodded and slightly smiled at me "see you around too, Adelaide."

"It's not fair she apologized to him while I didn't get an apology" Banks muttered to Jesse but I still heard it, I turned around and glanced at him.

"Because you're a prat" I glared at him before hooking my arms around Connie and leaving.

"Wha- what did I do?!" He yelled while scrunching his face, Jesse just patted him on the shoulder.

"You tell me!" I yelled back over my shoulder. Connie chuckled, shaking her head.

"So you like Charlie?" She smirked at me, I feel my cheeks heat up again, and I shooked my head. "I don't know what're you talking about" she laughed.

"Come on, el I see the way you looked at him, well except the other day."

"Okay, maybe a little bit" I rolled my eyes at her, trying not to smile. "Sure" she teased.

"So you wanna hang out at my house? Aunt Tess is at work," I said, trying to change the topic and luckily it worked.

"Okay, but let's grab some ice cream first" she grinned as she suggested it.

"Sure" I replied, mirroring her grin before we continued walking, going to the ice cream parlor.

[𝟏] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now