C H A P T E R 6

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"On your left!" Banks exclaimed after he passed the puck to Charlie. "Over here, I'm open!" he exclaimed again but they ignored him. "Come on, right here! Up front!" he said while blocking the opponent. "Upfront!"

"Passed it to Banks!" Coach Bombay shouted but they ignored him. "Come on! Do somethin' with it!" they ignored Banks once again, I got frustrated and stood up, slamming my hands on the boards. "Just freakin' passed it to Banks!" I yelled, and with that, they finally passed it to Banks, he got the puck and shoot it in the net.

They all stood up; except me who was standing already and cheered. "Yeah! All right!" he happily exclaimed before they approached him. "Way to go Banks!"  

After that, they all went to the bench. "Goldberg, you're gonna sit this one out" Coach Bombay announced. "What? You're pulling the goalie when we're tied?" we all protested after Karp said that.

"Listen, listen, listen. A tie isn't gonna help us. We need the win. Okay, Fulton, you're our extra man. Everybody, get the puck to Fulton. That's your job" Coach Bombay explained. "We pulling the Statue of Liberty play?" Fulton asked.

"No, take your shot. You may only get one, so it's gotta be good."

"But coach one outta one?" Fulton hesitantly asked.

"Soft hands, Fulton. Concentration, not strength" Guy Germaine assured Fulton before winking at Connie, who grin widely with red cheeks. I nudged her, and she glanced at me, I smirked. "Stop" she whispered, nudging me back, her red cheeks still visible. Fulton nodded at Guy.

"That's right!" Coach agreed. "Okay? let's get the Huskies! Let's go!" we all cheered before going on the ice again.

Banks is the center, when the referee drops the puck he got the puck and immediately passed it to Fulton, who was in the middle. The opponent attempted to get the puck but Fulton pushed him, causing him to fall on the ice. We all exclaimed at him to shoot the puck.

When he shoot the puck, the puck went flying on its way to the net. All the opponents jumped aside avoiding the puck, even the goalie. And we scored when the puck went through the net, making a hole in it. We cheered loudly. "Oh my god, that's so awesome!" I exclaimed while laughing in amusement before we all went to hug Fulton.


I gaped at the stadium as we got inside. "This is so cool" I muttered, dreamily looking around the stadium while hooking my right arm around Connie, she nodded. "Look it's the North Stars!" I squealed, pulling Connie's arms. She didn't mind, since she too was dreamily glancing around the stadium.

The North Stars walked past us and nodded. Suddenly Basil McRae and Mike Modano approached us. "Hey, Gordo! Gordon Bombay, right?"

"You remember me?" Coach Bombay asked while shaking his hand. "Sure, from Pee Wees. This guy used to rule in Pee Wees," he replied while glancing at Mike Modano. "I heard you were a farmer."

"Actually, I became a lawyer. But I'm coaching Pee Wee now and this is my team, the Ducks. Ducks, this is Basil McRae and Mike Modano."

"We can see that" we all replied,  chuckling and grinning. "Hey, Ducks. Listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about" Basil McRae said to us before glancing at our coach. "If you ever want a shot. I'll get you a tryout in the minor-league clubs."

"Thanks" Coach Bombay chuckled. "No problem. Hey, nice seein' ya." Basil said before walking off.

Mike Modano smiled and nodded at him. "Take it easy," he said before following Basil.

"All right, let's have some fun!" Coach Bombay said.

"Pinch me, I must be dreaming," I sighed, still not getting over the fact that I get to meet the North Stars, then I felt a pinch on my arms. "Ow! why'd you do that?!" I said while rubbing my arms, Connie shrugged. "You said it yourself."

"Well I didn't think you'll actually do it" she laughed before hooking her arms on mine again. "Come on, let's have some fun," she said before dragging us on the ice.

Soon enough she left beside me and made her way to Guy, I shrugged before I felt a bump on my back, I turned around and saw Banks, we both frowned before skating away from each other.

Connie, Averman, Guy, and I, held each other's hands in a circle before circling around and laughing. When we turned around we saw Coach Bombay sliding on the ice along with his driver we all laughed before leaving the ice rink to sit in the stands to watch the North Stars play the game.

I sat in between Charlie and Averman, I glanced at Charlie before taking his cap off his head and putting it on mine. "Hey!" he said, attempting to get his cap back, I pulled my head backward. "Geez, Conway I'm just borrowing your cap, not stealing it" I laughed as he huffed and crossed his arms, watching the game.

"Besides, your hair looks cute" he turned his attention back to me with his eyebrows raising at me. Blush formed on my cheeks when I realized what I just said before glancing at the large Tv in front of us, avoiding his gaze.

We all cheered when 'Welcome. Gordon Bombay and the Ducks' appeared on the large Tv in front of us. We all excitedly watch the game, I shared my popcorn with Averman. Minutes later we all stood up and cheered when the North Stars won the game. After the game, we all went home.


"Aunt Tess, I'm home!" I exclaimed, hanging my coat on the coat rack before going to the kitchen. "Hey, el. I made dinner" she said while I sat on the dining chair. "Wait, where did you get that cap? I'm pretty sure weren't wearing that earlier," she said, pointing to the cap on my head while placing the dinner on the table and sitting down beside me.

I groaned and faced palmed. "Oh shit, I forgot to return it."

"Language!" she scolded, I nodded and muttered a sorry.

"So, how was the game?" she asked, I grinned at her before laughing. "We won!" I enthusiastically said. "Really? That's cool!" she smiled proudly before hugging me.

I pulled away from the hug. "And you're not gonna believe it. We met the North Stars!" she gasped. "No way!"

"Yes, way! We even watched their game" she laughed. "Damn, I wish I could've met them, but I'm busy with work," she sighed.

"Language!" I jokingly scolded her, and she laugh. "Okay, come on let's eat dinner, I'm hungry" we both chuckled before eating dinner.

[𝟏] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now