C H A P T E R 10

825 12 3

"Hey, what took you so long? We've been waiting here for like years" Goldberg dramatically sighed. "Come on Goldy, don't be so dramatic it's only an hour" I replied with a chuckle.

"Is that my cap you're wearing?" Charlie raised his eyebrows as he pointed the cap on my head. "What if it's not?" I shrugged at him, trying to keep myself relaxed.

"I'm not an idiot, el because that's one of my favorite caps I have" he scoffed and narrowed his eyes.

"Come on guys are we playing or we're just gonna wait till we get old in here?" Goldberg complained.

After we finished discussing whose team we were on, we separated to prepare ourselves.

Team one is; Banks, Charlie, Averman, Terry, and Jesse.

Team two is; Me, Guy, Connie, Fulton, and Peter.

And our goal will be only one because we only have one goalie.

Banks and I went as a center, since there's no referee I held the puck, ready to drop it.
"Let's see if you can beat me, Cromwell" he smirked, preparing himself, and I scoffed. "Save the trash talk, Banksie" I smirked at him as well.

He looked taken aback by the nickname I gave him, I took that as an advantage, dropping the puck and immediately passing it to Guy, as soon as Guy got pucked I pushed Banks hard on the ice.

I laughed as I heard him groan. "You're a cheat!" I laughed again, shooking my head. "Am not!" I exclaimed before skating away with a smug smile on my face and team two cheered as Guy scored.

I scored next and the cheers increased, making me laugh even more, as I was about to pass the puck to Guy, Charlie pushed him and got the puck, I noticed his face was serious, but his eyes glittered mischievously. He faked out a left cross and then shot a straight pass towards the goal. I quickly blocked it with my stick but it was too late to stop it from happening. The puck hit the rim of the net and I groaned loudly. He and Banks started laughing and exchanging high fives, I threw them a death glare.

Charlie and Guy took the center position, as Charlie dropped the puck Guy immediately passed it to Peter before checking Charlie, he groaned. "Didn't know you were that stronger, Guy."

As Peter was skating toward the goal with the puck, Jesse pushed him, the puck slid away from Peter and luckily I got it before making my way to the goal as I was about to shoot the puck I felt something around my ankle and I slipped on the ice.

Then I heard a familiar laugh. "Goddamnit, Banks!" I cried out, standing up from the ice.

"I hate you" I hissed, and he smirked. "Oh, I already know that" then he skated away.

"Guys it's just a game I don't know why are you all fighting," Peter said with an eye roll.

"Well, you're gonna be mad if he did that to you, right?" I sighed.

"Yes, and I know he was a jerk when you two were at the Hawks but he is different and nice now" he replied, shaking his head.

"Nice, my ass. Banks is the opposite of nice" I scoffed with an eye roll, and he shrugged. "I don't know, el I think he's nice to everyone except for you" before I could say anything he already skated away.

Then the game continued, we're just gonna have to score one more and then we win, Fulton said he didn't want to use his power on shooting the puck because we're only just playing just as he was going to pass the puck to me Terry, Jesse's brother stole it.

"Hey!" I exclaimed before going after him.

Then Terry passed the puck to Averman who passed it to Charlie then he shoot the puck with his stick and luckily Goldberg caught it.

I laughed before getting the puck. "Thanks, Goldy!" I yelled as I skated away.

Connie and Jesse took the center position, as Jesse dropped the puck Connie immediately got it and passed it to me.

As I was making my way to the goal Charlie and Banks skated both to my sides and I saw Charlie nod at Banks before they could check me I immediately ducked causing them to crash each other.

I laughed hard as I saw them falling onto the ice together, I went to the goal and shoot the puck into the net, I cheered as we won.

I skated in front of Banks and Charlie who were groaning as they were trying to get up from the ice.

"I told you that wasn't a good idea now look we lost" Banks glared at Charlie.

"You agreed to it!" Charlie protested. "And it was a good idea until Cromwell here ruined it," He frowned before they both glanced at me.

I scoffed "ruined it? How exactly did I ruin it, Conway? It's not my fault I don't want to get hurt by your and Bank's stupid idea" I spat while glaring at him.

"Hey, don't bring me into this!" Banks argued, and Charlie scoffed, looking at him "you're already into this."

"You're just bitter because you lost" I spat, crossing my arms. "I'm not bitter!" They both simultaneously exclaimed, and I glanced at Banks "I wasn't talking to you."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes "you already were."

"Guys, let's just calm down, it was just a game," Fulton interjected as he and the rest of our friends went to our side.

"Why don't you tell her that, looks like she needs someone to calm her down," Banks spat, nodding in my direction.

"You little shi-" before I could finish my sentence and lunged at him, Fulton and Connie stopped me. "Let me go!"

"Come on, el just ignore them" Connie sighed as she whispered to me, and I huffed.

"Fine" I glared at the two boys in front of me, Banks did the same while Charlie only looked down at the ice before I skated away, taking my skates off and putting my shoes on before leaving the park.

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