Javon - live

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Your pov:

So I was with my boyfriend Javon for the day and right now we were in hes room just cuddling until Jayla came into the room, "What the fuck, oh hey Jayla" Javon was facing away from the door so he didn't see jayla at first

"Hey love birds, the live just wanted to say hi" Jayla handed the phone to Javon"oh hey guys" "hey" I was pretty tired so I didn't have that much energy. Right now I was lying on Javon's chest and I looked at the comments,

Javon.y/n- aw there adorable🥹

User56- i can't-

User3- I want what they have😭

Bad_Bitch- ew, what does he see in her

As soon as I saw that comment I turned away from the phone and hid in the crook of Javons neck "ma, you good" Javon asked playing with my hair "mhmm" I replied to tired to actually speak,

A few minutes later:

"ok guys I'm gonna go" Javon said handing the phone back to Jayla "ok bye love birds" Jayla said leaving the room. "I'm soo tired" I told Javon, he just chuckled and pulled me closer to him and said

"Go to sleep and I'll be here when you wake up ma" he said kissing my forehead and I instantly fell asleep.

Javons pov:

I felt y/n fell asleep pretty fast, she must've been really tired if she fell asleep that fast. She looks so peaceful when shes asleep shes just beautiful.

                      I love this girl so much

Sorry this was so short🥲

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