Jaden - Ava

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You and Jaden are bestfriends in this story
(Just saying idk how he reacted to her doing what she did so don't get angry with how I write the story, and please don't get mad about me writing about Ava)


Jaden pov;

My girlfriend just cheated on me at a football game, I couldn't do anything but stare. It hurt..

Right now I just needed to be comforted, I wanted to be in someones arms, I wanted to be told that it was okay, I just wanted to cry and let it all out and I knew who to call,

so I grabbed my phone and called her and luckily she picked up, I was quick to say something "y/n, I need you.." I said crying "oh okay where are you, I'll come get you" she said softly though the phone "at the football game" I said quietly "ok I'll be there just wait ok" she said and I just nodded and we hung up.

I went to go tell everyone y/n was going to pick me up.

Your pov:

Jaden just called me and he sounded horrible, he said he needed me so I was quick to get my moms keys and jump in the car to go get Jaden.

Once I got there I saw him, but he was arguing with Ava they were both crying, after Ava left thats when I got out of the car.

"Jay" I called out, once Jaden heard me he turned to me and ran up to me and I opened my arms for a hug, once he reached me he broke down crying, it broke my heart to see my bestfriend like this.

"Shh it's okay, do you want to tell me what happened" I asked "can we go to your house first" he said quietly "of course come let's get in the car" I felt him nod so we got in the car and drove back to my house.

Once we got home we went straight to my room,
"Tell me what happened please.." I asked Jaden, and he looked at me and said "she cheated.." he said holding back tears, I was quiet for bit and then said "jay, come here" I said softly and opened my arms,

Jaden came over to me and laid on my chest "let it out, I'll listen" I said rubbing his back.

Jaden pov:

"Let it out, I'll listen" y/n said rubbing my back, I probably looked like a loser but I needed this, I needed her.. she made me feel safe and I'm just so Lucky to have someone like her care about me so much.

"I- I'm just so angry and frustrated with myself. Like what did I do, was I not good enough, was I annoying, did she even love me as much as I loved her, was I boring, what the fuck did I do!" I said crying out of anger. I looked away from y/n.

"Hey" she said quietly but I ignored her "Jaden look at me" she said grabbing my cheek with one hand and wiping my tears away "you did nothing wrong and you have no reason to be angry with yourself, she decided to do what she did but she didn't think about what she would lose" she stayed quiet for a second "she lost the most funniest, loving, amazing, gorgeous, outgoing, and all of the above best person in the world Who just happens to be my best friend" she said moving my hair out of my face,

I blushed at what she said about me, like no ones  ever said that about me before, not even Ava..
But it's not about her right now anyway.
"Jay you listening" y/n said softly grabbing my face "oh uh yea.." I said kinda admiring her.

Your pov:

Something was up with Jaden, I mean the way he was staring at me, it looked like he was admiring me. I didn't mind it. I have a crush on Jaden and I was heart broken when he told me him and Ava got together so when he told me she cheated I was pissed and kinda happy but suddenly Jaden said something and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey y/n" I looked down at him "yea" I whispered "close your eyes" Jaden said, I did what he said and suddenly I felt his hand grab my cheek and then I felt his lips on mine,

I kissed back but then pulled away "what" Jaden asked confused "Jaden, you just broke up with Ava.." I wanted this, I really did but I just didn't want Jaden to regret it later. "I know but you actually care about me and you love me for me and you make me the happiest and I know you would never hurt me and Ava never made me feel like that " Jaden said and his hand still on my cheek, I put my hand on his "I just don't want you to regret it later.." I said softly, Jaden leaned forward and put his head against mine and said

"I won't" and then placed a soft kiss on my lips and I kissed back and giggled a little.

I'm tired-

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