Jaden - Daelos favourite

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Right now I was playing around with Daelo, were just playing roblox and Jaden my boyfriend had hes head on my lap trying to get my attention.

He was getting all fussy because I wasn't paying attention to him but I was with him all day today and I promised Daelo that I'll play roblox with him.

"babee" Jaden said poking my cheek "yes" I turned to face him "can we go cuddle" "Jade-"
I was cut off by Daelo "No you've been with y/n all day and she promised me she would play roblox with me!" He said,

And then Jaden said "so what if I've been with her all day shes my girlfriend not yours" Jaden said acting like a baby, Daelo was about to say something but I cut him off "Jaden just wait a little longer ok we can cuddle soon"

He just huffed and walked to his room and I continue to play roblox with Daelo about 30 minutes later Daelo got tired and fell asleep so I put my phone in my pocket and picked Daelo up and put him to bed, right now it was about 9:24 so I bet he was pretty tired.

After I put Daelo to bed I went to Jaden's room "Jaden you ok" I asked as I opened the door, he was on hes bed on hes phone with hes hood on

As soon as he heard me he looked up at me and put hes phone down and slowly walked up to me rubbing his eyes, he looked tired. When he got to me he just wrapped his arms around me and said

"I'm just tired, I just wanna cuddle" I smiled and kissed hes cheek "ok J let's cuddle" I said chuckling.

As soon as we got comfortable Jaden fell asleep straight away but not before mumbling a
"I love you" before he fell asleep and I fell asleep shortly after.

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