Jaden - Lovey dovey

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Me and Jaden were in the living room with everyone else and Jaden was in quite a lovey dovey mood.

Like he was giving me random kisses, he was saying "I love you" a lot more than usual he was playing with my hair and out of nowhere he would  just grab my hand and hold it.

I mean I'm not complaining it's just hes never like this in front of everyone. "Baby can we cuddle" Jaden asked "um right here?" I asked because he would always want to cuddle in hes room.

"Yea" he opened hes arms signalling me to lay on him "uh ok" I giggled and laid down on his chest. "Really guys go in Jadens room" Javon said "shut up" both of us said and Jayla just looked at Javon and said "it's okay Wanna you'll find someone" and Javon just rolled his eyes.

A few minutes later I had turned around so my back was against Jadens chest. I soon felt Jaden move my hair away from the back of my neck and put it over my shoulder and then...

"Jaden what are you doing" I giggled. He was kissing the back of my neck and it tickled. "Nothingg" he said placing a soft kiss on my cheek and tightening his grip around my waist.

"oh my god, you two are like- ughh" Javon said sounding a little annoyed. "What" Jaden said with a cheeky smile on his face "your so annoying" "I didn't even do anything" Jaden said annoyed. I love him so much.

Sorry this was short-

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