Ashtray - I don't give a fuck

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A few requested a little story about showing affection so I'm doing it with Ash.

Rues narrative:
"Ashtray wasn't all that affectionate with y/n in public, he was more protective than affectionate. The reason why he acted like that is simply because he didn't want to seem soft or gentle or anything like that, but when he was at home he was whole different person. Always wanted to be next to y/n, if they were cuddling he would not let go, he was like a lost puppy when y/n left the room or house. Anyways overall hes just a softy"

Your pov:

I had just woken up and I look down to see Ash peacefully sleeping on my chest. I lightly rubbed his head to try wake him up. I Heard him grown. "Ash, baby I need to get up" I said, trying to get him off but of course, I couldn't "No, stay.." hes Voice was raspy and low.

"I'll come back" I said giggling a bit "just stay for like, five minutes" he said tightening his grip around my waist "Ashh" I winded "y/nn" he teased back. "Ok nope, your done" I said as I went to poke him were hes most ticklish causing him to roll off of me. "AHH, wait no-" hes voice cracked as he laughed "HAh, ok I'll be back, I promise"

As I left to the kitchen to go get some water I see Fez and Lexi cuddling on the couch. "Hey you two~" I said lifting my brows up and down at Fez. "Fuck off" Fez said slightly laughing
"hey y/n" Lexi said giggling.

Anyway I went to the kitchen and got a drink, after that I went back to the room "I'm back" I said with Ashs back facing towards me "get the fuck over here" Ash said turning around and opening his arms "okay, okay chill" I giggled.

I went over to Ash and rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. It was quiet for a few minutes until I decided to speak up "your such a baby" I said as I kissed his Jawline "don't start, ma" Ash said as he played with my hair.


Rue, Lexi and Jules (let's just say Rue and Jules worked things out) were over and we were all watching a movie. Ash would only cuddle me in front of Fez and Faye, so when Ash came over to me and laid on my chest I was a little confused.

"You good?" I asked "I'm okay.. I just wanna be next to you" Ash said hiding in the crook of my neck "oh okay it's just that you never cuddle me in front of other people aside from Fez and Faye" I said rubbing his head "I don't give a fuck" he kissed my neck softly, hes so precious..

"I love you" I said as I kissed his forehead "I love you more, ma"

Sorry this was short-

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