Javon - her...

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Your pov:

Me and Javon have been friends since we were six years old and we were always so close but lately he hasn't been talking to me much and I think I know why

Hes been hanging out with this girl named Mira they've been hanging out a lot lately, Javon bearly talks to me anymore because of Mira.

They've gotten a lot closer lately and this hurts me because well I like Javon I was going to tell him how I feel but now I don't think I can..

I was just lying on my bed when suddenly I fell my phone ring so I look on my phone and see that it was Javon so I answered as soon as I did I saw a happy Javon on the other end of the phone
"hey Wanna" "Hi y/n ok soo I have something to tell you" he said all excited "what" I said giggling a little about how excited he sounded.

"Ok you can't tell anyone and I mean anyone ok" I rolled my eyes "I won't tell anyone Wanna" "ok ok um I like Mira" I went quite, I didn't know what to say "uh y/n you good" Javon asked "oh uh yea I'm fine, uh hey I have to go I'll see you tomorrow k byee" "wait are you ok-" I hung up

I felt my eyes water and I started crying, I didn't want Wanna to see me crying, I mean I wasn't surprised that Javon had a crush on Mira I mean Shes skinny, she has clear skin, her hair always looks good, her eyes are a beautiful blue, shes just all that so I get why Wanna has a crush on her.

The next day:

I was getting ready to go to school I really didn't want to go but my mom won't let me stay home anyway, I was walking out the door when suddenly I hear someone shouting out to me, I turn around and see Javon.

"Y/N" I sigh not ready to face him "hey Javon.." "what was up with you last night you kinda just you know hung up on me" he asked confused "uh yea sorry about that I had to go to bed sorry" I faked a smile but Javon could see though it.

"Y/n.. don't lie to me" I sigh "I- it's just family issues that's all.."I looked away Javon knew something was up so he put a hand on my shoulder and said "hey I can stay over if you want" I honestly kinda wanted him to stay over but I don't know if I could keep myself together.

"Nah it's fine"

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