Jaden - "get off"

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Your pov:

I've been in Jadens room for about 2 hours doing nothing but scrolling on my phone. He called me over saying he "missed me and wanted to hang out" but his just been on his game not even paying attention to me and it just pissed me off.

"Jay, how much longer" I was getting annoyed of waiting for him to finish "just like 5 minutes" he said not even looking at me "you said that a hour ago" I said, walking to his door, I was going to Jaylas room "no I didn't" he replied, laughing a bit and his eyes still on his game "whatever.." I mumbled walking out of his room.

I was gonna go to Jaylas room cuz she actually talks to me and pays attention to me.

A little time skip:

Me and Jayla were doing Javons makeup because why not but in the middle of it Jaden walks in.
"Y/n can I talk to you.." he asked "um sure" I walked up to him and he took me back to his room.

I sat down on his bed as he started talking "why did you leave" I just looked at him "are you being serious or" I asked "yea, why did you leave" he asked again "I left because you weren't paying attention to me and I was just sitting on your bed on my phone for 2 whole hours cuz you wouldn't get off your game!" I said getting annoyed. Jaden just stood there "I'm sorry baby, I didn't even notice, I just got caught up with my game, but I really do wanna be with you right now."

Jaden said running his hand though his hair and walking up to me and putting his hands on my waist "ughh fine but can I finish Wannas makeup" I asked,

he just looked at me before picking me up and laying me down on his bed and cuddling up to me "nope" was all he said. I just giggled and kissed him "I love you" I said running my fingers through his hair "I love you more" he said kissing me one more time.

Sorry for not posting anything but I just wanna say.

what the actual fuck is wrong with Ava like saying all that shit about the boys like girl fuck up🙄

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