Twins - attention

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Your pov:

Me and my two amazing boyfriends were just chilling in Jadens room, Javon lying on the floor with me lying on hes stomach and Jaden using my thigh as a pillow, we were all just on our phones scrolling through TikTok or Instagram.

And then out of nowhere Jaden put his phone down and got on top of me and just started kissing me. "Jaden what are you doing?" I asked laughing a little "I just want a little attention.."
He said kissing my neck (not in a weird way)

"You could've just asked" I said cupping his face and kissing him again "I want one" Javon said tugging on my hoodie "okay, come here" I said giggling and getting off him and kissing him.

After giving the two boys some affection I got hungry so I went down to the kitchen leaving the two boys in the room. Once I was in the kitchen I went to the fridge, while I was looking if there was anything in there I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

"Yes, Javon?" I could tell Who it was by the cologne he had on. "I want more attention" Javon said hiding in the crook of my neck, "me too" Jaden said leaning against the table "wait I want food" I said "you can just get it later.." Javon said, moving his hands onto my waist giving me butterflies.

"Ughh, fine" I said not being able to resist any more. "Ok, were cuddling" Jaden said walking upstairs "come on" Javon said grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs.

Once we got into the room we got comfy, me sitting against Jadens headboard with Javon leaning next to me and Jaden lying on me with his head in my neck.

"Wanna watch a movie" I asked knowing we were going to be here for a while "yea just put on whatever you want ma.." Javon said lazily, I could tell he was tired "you tired?" I asked, Jaden was out like a light already "mhm" was all Javon could mumble "get some rest ok" I said packing his lips "I love you.." and then he fell asleep.

I love these two so much, I'm so lucky to have them.

I'm so single-

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