Javon - lip scrub

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We all know what a lip scrub is right if not go search it up🥲


Your pov:

Me and Jayla had just gotten back from a little shopping spree, and I got a whole bunch of lip scrubs, edible ones.

I think I have a obsession with them, Javon says I do and he teases me about it. At least my obsession isn't as bad as his with his shoes.

Anyway I was just in Javons room chilling well Javon was at boxing, he should be back soon but well he was gone I was trying out my lip scrubs but then got bored of that so I waited for Wanna in the living room.


After about two hours Javon was back, he came into the living room all sweaty (idk if he showers at the gym or not) and tried to kiss me but I stop him "ew go have a shower and then come kiss me" I said cupping his face "ma, can I at least have a short one" he said pouting "fine and then go have a shower" I said pulling him in for a kiss "ok, shower" "fineee" he said leaving the room.

It's been about 20 minutes and I had just put some lip scrub on and Javon walked in well I was putting it on, once I was done putting it on he walked up to me and kissed me,

I was kinda taken aback by it but then I kissed back, right before we were about to pull away he slightly licked my lips, tasting the lip scrub that was on my lips.

"I like it, it tastes good" he said, having a cheeky smirk on his face "I'll get it more often than" I said smiling as I leaned back in to kiss him again

Sorry this was short🥲
I'll do the twins next

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