Ashtray - I'm okay

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Your pov:

It's been about 4 months since Ashtrays death and I've slowly been getting better, I mean I wasn't there when everything happened, I was at Lexi's play but anyway, I was at home by myself watching TV, my parents are out and I have nothing to do today.

I was just chilling on the couch when I heard a knock at the door so I went to go answer. When I got to the door I saw Lexi, "hey Lexi" I said with a smile "hey y/n, how have you been?" She asked pulling me into a hug "getting better, you?" I answered pulling away and letting her in "I'm okay, just a little upset about Fez being in jail and all"

She said sitting on the couch "hey he'll be all good" I said sitting next to her "yea I know.." I know shes worried about Fez but I know he'll be okay "wanna watch a comedy?" I asked to try lighten the mood "yes please" "ok have one in mind"


Me and Lexi were halfway through the movie laughing our asses off until I heard another knock at the door "hold up Lex let me go see who that is" I said getting up to go answer the door. once I opened the door I was on the verge of tears. I saw Ashtray.

I couldn't believe it, it was Ashtray. He was wearing his favourite tracksuit that was covered in blood and a little bit of dirt. I was so shocked I couldn't move.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry ma" Ashtray said walking towards me "ma, I didn't mean to be gone for so long.." he said cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears away, I was still shocked I didn't know what to say. "I missed you so much.." I didn't know what to say so I just pulled his hands off my face and wrapped my arms around his neck and cried.

"I missed you too, I thought you were dead.." I finally had the words to speak "I'm okay, ma" Ashtray said gripping me tighter "I love you" I said softly "I love you too, ma" Ashtray said kissing my cheek.

Lexi pov:

Y/n was taking a while so I went to go see what was going on. "Hey y/n whose at the door.." I saw... y/n and Ashtray hugging. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, Ashtrays alive.

Your pov:

I pull away slightly from the hug to see Lexi.
"Oh sorry" I said "no it's okay, Ashtray it's good to see your okay" she said with a smile "thanks" he said with a little smile "I'll leave you two alone" she said leaving me and Ash alone "let's get you cleaned up" I said resting my head against his as I felt him nod.

So I took him upstairs to the bathroom and I gave him a pair of clothes he left at my house and I put his dirty clothes in the washer and I went back to the living room. "Is he okay" Lexi asked "yea hes okay, hes just cleaning himself up"
I said "oh okay, I'm happy to see you two together again" I looked at her and just smiled.

A few minutes later Ash comes out clean. He walks over to me and lies on top of me. "I missed you so much y/n" he said kissing me, I smiled into the kiss. "I missed you too"

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