Twins - misunderstanding

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Your dating The twins but the twins aren't dating each other same as before
Javon pov:

Something was up with y/n, me and Jaden have been texting her all day but she hasn't answered any of our calls or messages.

Right now me and Jaden were in the living room on our phones and then I heard Jaden mumble something "what the fuck" I looked at him "what" I asked "look at y/n story on instagram"

So I did and "what the hell"

Your pov:

So today I was going to hang out with one of my friends who is a boy and hes gay but Javon and Jaden don't know him.

Anyway me and him were just chilling in my room and we took some pictures and post them on our storys.

Anyway me and him were just chilling in my room and we took some pictures and post them on our storys

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(These were taken on your phone)

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(These were taken on your phone)

We didn't take a lot but anyway after we posted them we went and got lunch and then just chilled. Its been about 4 hours so I decided to get back to Jaden and Javon.

I just noticed The boys have been texting me all day, my phone was on silent so I didn't notice the boys texting and calling me all day.

When I got back the boys were in the living room so I went into the living room and as soon as I walked in Javon looked at me and said "get out" harshly I was confused "what" I asked and Jaden said "leave" still confused I said "wait what are you two so mad about" I asked

They both looked at me with a "your joking" look on their face. "What!" I asked again Jaden stood up rolling his eyes and left the room, I looked at Javon he looked at me and said "okay one you were gone for about 4 hours two me and Jaden didn't know where you were three you didn't answer us and then next thing we see is you all over some boy!" Javon said almost yelling.

"Wait no it wasn't like that just let me explain" Javon rolled his eyes and also left the room "Wanna his gay" I said quickly "he is?" he looked at me "yes" Javon turned and said "okay but I'm still mad, just leave me and Jaden alone for a bit" Javon said not yelling this time "but Wanna-"
"Please" Jaden came out from his room and said "leave y/n" I could feel water in my eyes.
I started crying as I turned around to the door

Jaden pov:

Just as I was about to go back to my room I heard crying, y/n crying I was mad but I didn't want to make her cry and I felt bad "baby don't cry please" I walked down the stairs and walked up to her wiping her tears away and bringing her in for a hug.

Javon pov:

"Baby don't cry please" I heard Jaden say as he walked back down stairs to y/n, I turned around and saw y/n and she was crying as Jaden pulled her in for a hug.

It made me feel bad so I went down to hug her as well making Jaden move one arm so I could hug with her one arm as well and she but her arms around our necks,

"I'm sorry for not saying anything to you two before I left" y/n apologised still crying "I'm sorry for yelling at you y/n" I said and kissed her forehead "sorry for being a bitch" Jaden apologised making y/n laugh

"Can we cuddle" y/n asked "yes" me and Jaden said at the same time. Y/n back was lying against my chest well Jaden was lying on top of y/n.

"I love you both"she said "we love you too love" Jaden said and me humming in agreement as I tighten my grip around her waist.

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