Jayla - love

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Jaylas pov:

My girlfriend wasn't feeling her best right now due to all the hate she was getting on my live she was getting called "fat" "ugly" "gross" " bitch" "hoe" and a bunch of other things.

Right now shes crying, "I- I just feel like shit now, maybe they were right-" I cut y/n off "no don't listen to them, your none of those things" I tell her as I pull her in for a hug

"there just jealous and insecure, look at me love" I pull away from the hug and hold her face with both my hands and wipe her tears away.

"Your amazing *kiss*  your beautiful *kiss* your kind *kiss* your talented *kiss* and your cuddles are the best *kiss kiss kiss*

and y/n just started laughing "AH OK ok Jayla stop" she said giggling. I stopped and looked at her for a few seconds just admiring her "your everything to me y/n and you have no idea how much I love you" Y/n smiled and said "I love you too jay"

I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Wanna watch a movie and eat some snacks" my hand still on her cheek "mhm" y/n nodded "ok I'll be back"

Your pov:

"Ok I'll be back" Jayla said and left to go get snacks. I just smiled and thought about how lucky I am to have Jayla in my life. I love her so much.

Soon enough Jayla came back "babe I got the snacks but the boys wanted to come" Jayla said rolling her eyes which made me giggle a little "that's ok jay" Javon, Jaden and Daelo walked in,
And since it was late we all fell asleep.

Sorry about this being short again🫤

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