~.Mr. Banner.~

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I do ship Natasha and Bruce. i think they complement each other and they are just cute. don't come for me! the ships in the book will be: Bruce x Natasha Tony x pepper Bucky x Steve Wanda x vision and thats it for couples. i do like other ships but this is just for this book and NO SMUT OR ANYTHING GROSS SHIT IN MY BOOKS DONT EVEN GET STARTED I AM SO UNCOMPTABLE WITH STRAIGHT SMUT AND JUST SMUT IN GENRAL!!

you woke up in your swing with your headphones still on so you didn't have to worry about not getting them. you felt your body was swaying slightly and hand on your back pushing you in a consistent rhythm. you looked out the blanket and you were in the lounge and there was mama widow pushing you while watching a fighting scene in a movie. you giggle at how she was watching it so closely. she looks up at you and smiles. and on her side was a glass of juice and 2 pieces of toast. you smile and realize you cant speak again today you frown and sigh. 

she asks "are you non-verbal today маленький паук?" you nod and she signed "i can use sign language as well you know" you looked shock and clap your hands. you fully crawl out of the swing and sit on the couch and start grabbing the toast and the juice. mama widow changes the movie to a kids one and you start watching it. 

Natasha was thinking about different missions and things fury have told them over the past to weeks. when she felt a hand on her shoulder. she looks up and see Bruce her  boyfriend. she looks over to see маленький паук was still looking at the tv. she signaled for Bruce to go to the kitchen and she will talk to you. she taps your shoulder and you look at her and smile. she asks "hey маленький паук there is someone you don't know in the room and he would love to meet you. he is also my lover. would you be comfortable saying hello? he also would like to take a quick look into something. is that okay?" she said quietly. you look away for a second and nod a little. "mama where is Pete? is he at neds making Lego star wars?" you ask with a smirk. she laughs and nods.

 you look around and  see a guy making pancakes a lot of pancakes. you giggle how he just has plates and plates of pancakes. Natasha also wondered how he made that much that fast. she giggled and got Bruce's attention. he walked over and bent down to your level. you looked up and looked down a little embarrassed, "hey there little guy, I'm Bruce Banner and I'm a scientist. i am also known as the hulk." you look up and stare with a shocked face. "he made all those books my brother wont ever stop reading. he loves to tell me and may about them it sounds like a different language!" you sign to Natasha, she just nods her head. she also pulled out her phone and said "have you been noticing that you have been passing out or fainting. well is it okay if Bruce takes a look to see why?" you look even more nervous and quickly sign "please when peter is here!" she nods in understand meant and tells Bruce that you want peter there. he just nods and smiles. 

you let out a sign and turn to watch TV again. you drank the juice. you start to feel a little light headed and you push your headphones on your head more to feel it but you don't. you feel your eyes roll back and  forward. then your hand drop the drink and you fall forward and you shake you faint. 

you wake up to mama widow holding your body on the phone with someone. you stir and you hair people running in. you see peter Bruce and tony. peter starts saying stuff and your eyes roll again and you shake and faint. 

you wake up in peters arms and with Bruce checking you and there was machines. you look up at peter but this feeling you had was calm and you were sleepy and super groggy. you blink and you hear "hey little spider are you doing okay? I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you!" you smiled and tap his hands not in the mood to talk or sign. it had been about 30 minutes of Bruce running tests. they took blood when you were asleep and did all the ones that they knew would freak you out. 

you were finally done and peter took you to his room. he told you that my own room was done but he wanted to be with me because he was scared. you snuggle into him and cry a little you were so tired and it was catching up on you. peter helped you get into your compression hoodie and pants and helped put socks on. he grabbed your blankets and your new favorite animal toy and snuggled down with you and feel asleep. he knew the news will be bad but he hoped not to bad. 

you woke up and you felt fresh and excited. you started stimming and then you heard a ringing noise. you looked over to yours and peters phones that were on charge and saw miss calls from aunt may. you squeal and pick it up. "hey auntie!!" you squealed. "hello y/n! how are you?" she said happily. you giggled and ended up chatting about the zoo and how peter is reading books and how you got a swing put in the living room! aunt may laughed and said she has to go but she will call back to check in and hopefully say hi to the slug monkey (aka peter). you giggled and hanged up. you put your phone down and turned on music. 

you remembered that it was only 3pm so you shook peter to see if you can go get some pancakes. peter rolled over and groaned. he looked up and his eyes were barely open. you giggle at his sleepiness you told him that you were going to the kitchen. you knew that Javis will help so you told peter to sleep and Javis will help. peter nodded and rolled over to fall asleep again.

you walk out the room and you ask Javis to direct you to the kitchen. you follow the red dot like a cat and you end up about 3 minutes to the kitchen were there were Wanda and Bruce and a couple people you didn't know. you run to hide and you grab the pancakes and run back to yours and peters room. (with a little help of Javis)

you burst in and find peter sitting up. he was looking at something on his phone. he looked shocked and a little sad. you did notice no one cared you burst into the kitchen and made a scene but you thought you were as good as a ninja. he looks at you and back and starts to cry. you walk over a little uncomfortable you sit next to him and hug him. he leans in and cries harder. you ask softly "b-brother? why are you upset? what's wrong?" he just looks at you and cries more. you yell for Javis to get Mr. stark. you wait anxiously for him to arrive while holding a sobbing brother.  

struggling / autistic male reader / marvel auWhere stories live. Discover now