~.the talk.~

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pepper walked though the halls to reach peters room where he waited sitting up looking down at his phone. peter had a couple of screwdrivers and some other screws looking down and pulling the phone apart putting in small changes. she smiled and thought 'just like tony'. peter looked up smelling food and seeing pepper standing with a bowl of spaghetti. pepper bent down and gave the bowl sitting down on the bed next to him digging into her own bowl in the mean time. "this was made by Nat her special spaghetti." peter nodded and took a mouthful eyes widening at the taste. pepper smiled seeing him scoff more in this mouth. "i also need to have an important chat as well" pepper said looking down.

peter tensed and nodded, "as you know may has.. made a bad decision and tony and i are wondering if.. you and Y/N would like us to become your rightful guardians?" pepper looked down waiting for a response. peter stopped eating and looked up eyes wide. "you. and the tony stark want y/n and I to be your kids?" pepper let out a small snort/chuckle and nodded. as you would except peter nodded quickly over and over. he put his bowl down and jumped and hugged pepper. she was glad that he was on the same page as her now. but now she had to get you as well. she looked at peter seeing him scoff down the rest of his meal. "hey pete, do you know any ideas on how to break the news to Y/N?" pepper asked suddenly. peter looked away and shrugged knowing that the talk wont go well. he looked down showing he didn't want to talk about it. pepper nodded understanding finishing her last mouthful of food standing up and getting a tissue to clean around peter face as he got sauce all over it. she stood up and walked out to go put the bowls away and let peter sleep and heal up.

she got to the floor and opened up seeing the group on the couch watching Moana with you rubbing your eyes every few seconds obviously trying to keep awake. Nat help you close giving small head rubs which was not helping you with keeping awake. she also noticed small tear stains running down your face showing her you must of woke up crying. she hummed and walked over to the table picking up dishes and bringing them to the dishwasher where it automatically picked up the dishes and placed them in. she swears that was tony's best invention. she walked over to the couch and sat down looking at your now sleeping face. she smiled and gave Nat that look of 'go you want me to help you out' Nat nodded and handed you over to pepper who took you to your room placing you down and retucking you back in placing a pacifier in your mouth and walking out to see most of the group gone back to their rooms leaving her and tony to finished tiding up the place and get ready for bed. tony looked over at her and asked "how was peter going?" picking up while doing so. "fine, tinkering with his phone to make new upgrades, reminds me of you" she said giving tony a warm smile. tony looked away producing a small blush of embarrassment before placing the last pillow and strutting off to the elevator to go to his work shop to do some tinkering on Clint's arrows. to start his new magnetic arrows.

pepper smiled and walked off to do more paper work. she picked up the paper and decided to take it to her bed room where she was closer to you if anything happened. She got to her bed and set down grabbing a hard object to place under her papers so she could write easier. She starts reading through documents deciding wether to scribble her signature down or not. She got startled out of her rythem of work by a phone calls tune playing next to her right ear. She quickly picked it up not wanting the tune to wake you up from your very needed nap.

"Hello this is pepper stark speaking" she said in a professional tone, "hello mrs. Stark, this is the court ringing through to conferm that your hearing is settled for next week friday." A mans voice came through in a calm manner. Pepper instanly knew who it was thanking him and hanging up to go tell the news to her husband as well as write it down in her calander knowing tony would probably forget. She walked into tonys office/workshop to see him fast asleep on the table producing a small bit of droll. Pepper smiled asking javis to get tonys suit to take him to the couch where his rest would be more comfortable.

She walked out now doing down to complete her almost done work before she heard a small sob and sniffle come from the baby monitors speaker, as like great timing javis cut in and said "mrs. Stark it seems like young parker is awake and is hungry" she sighed and nodded making her way to your room opening the door to reveal a tear stained face looking through the cribs bars. She walked over and picked you up placing you on her hip where you snuggled into her shoulder letting small shakey breaths and sniffles to calm yourself after a fit of crying.

Another chapter done! Remember to eat drink And sleep and if you cant then thats okay! My messages are opwen for people to vent! Sorry for not posting school has been busy and currently been enjoying reading books <3.


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