Chapter Twenty Eight

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Valerie and I got on my car then drove to my house. I wasn't ready to tell Kim. I wasn't ready for her sadness. I wasn't ready seeing her break. She missed Dad. She had enough already for her life.

      "I don't know what to do, Valerie," I said quietly when we arrived.

      "She has to know whatever the case."

      "I can't," I said. "It's too painful for her.

     "I see, but she still has to know." I sighed. "Look, I'm here to help. I'll make her feel better. Your dad isn't leaving you."

      I ran my fingers through my hair and said, "Will you stay for a night?"

      She smiled. "All right. But I have to get a few things."

      "Like what?" I asked.

    "Clothes and a bag for school."

     "I'll lend you. Don't worry." I open my door and got out. Valerie followed behind me while I opened the door and walked in.

      "Ben!" Kim shouted. "Valerie!"

      "Hi, Kim," I greeted her. "You mind Valerie staying over for a night?"

      "Of course not," she said as Valerie hugged her. I looked at Valerie and she smiled and nodded. I knew it was the time. "Kim, I want to tell you something. Please, sit down." Then, she sat down on the couch in the living room. I looked at Valerie again and she walked towards the couch and sat next to Kim. I knelt down in front of Kim and held her hands. "Kim, Dad is in the jail." Her eyes looked shocked. She looked shocked. I tighten the hold of our hands. "A cop came to me and he told me Dad is arrested of illegal drugs." She started crying. Valerie put an arm around her. "We're going to be okay here. We're going to stay here. We're not going to an orphanage."

     Then, little did I know, I was crying, too. She threw herself in my arms and we were hugging really tight.

     "I miss Dad," she mumbled between her cry.

     "I know.  I miss him, too." I pulled back, wiped her tears, and said, "Before my game tomorrow, we're going to visit him. Okay? Then you can talk with him."

      "Do you promise?" she asked, sobbing.

      "I promise," I vowed. She gave me a small and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "Come on. Let's get to bed." I pulled myself and Kim up.

      "Wait," Valerie said, making me and Kim turn around. "She'll have to have something to eat."

      I looked at her, then at Kim. "I strongly suspect this little girl had made herself dinner."

     "Correct," she said, grinning.

     "See?" I said to Valerie, and she laughed.

      I tucked Kim in, kissed her forehead, and said good night to her. I went out and found Valerie in the kitchen and I said, "I want to take a bath. Do whatever you want. Make yourself at home."

     I walked towards the bathroom and took a quick shower. I headed out and found Valerie holding a mop.

     "What," I said, looking at her. "That is not necessary, Valerie."

     "It's all right," she said calmly. "I want to. Just sit down. I made you a cup of tea. Relax yourself." She gestured at the couch. So I sat there while she was mopping the kitchen. She shouldn't have done it. This wasn't her house.

      "Valerie," I said.  "Just put it down.  It's fine."

     "Ben," she said. "Drink your tea."

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