Chapter Eighteen

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Day when I got my Valerie back was the best day in my entire life. Days with her and without her were completely different. Ben Miller with Valerie and without Valerie was completely a different person. I had started reading Valerie's book, Looking For Alaska. And the thing is that I read a book really fast. Yeah, I'm cool like that.

  I went to school after having a long midnight call with Valerie last night until she'd fallen asleep. I was willing to pick her up that day and she was willing to wait for me, too. Two weeks later was the final game and I had to escape lessons to work hard on this championship. I walked to my locker in the locker room when I heard someone talking in the Mr. Jo's room.

  "He's in love with that girl. That's why he turned us down." It was Collins.

  Other voice joined, "That's normal. Everyone can be in love, so is Ben."

  "Seriously, Jake?" said Collins in an unbelievable tone. It was Jake and they were talking about me. Their voices were loud enough for me to hear it without me pressing my ear against the wall.

  "It's just a girl. It's his problem. You don't have to worry about him," Jake said.

  "I'm not worried about him."

  "You are, Cole. Look, you will be just like him after you meet your dream girl." I heard Jake's crooked smile and he was gone.

  I walked out the locker room and walked in Mr. Jo's room to meet Collins. He was standing there, forehead on the wall, arms crossed to her chest.

  "Collins," I called and his shoulders jumped in shock. He pulled his head up.

  "Ben," he responded. "I'm sorry for what I said in my call. Jake was right."

  Somehow, I forgave him. God has forgiven me first. Valerie had forgiven me. If Valerie were me, he would forgive him, too.

  I held out my hand at him. "Friends?" Instead of taking my hand and shaking it, he grabbed my waist and hugged me and said, "Brothers."

  I smiled happily. "Okay, brothers. That's it. No kissing." He laughed and let go the hug. He stared at me for a minute and I said, "All right, don't fall in love with me."


  After the school was over, I quickly drove to my neighbor high school and parked my car right in front of the lobby and the front door. I knew she would come out quickly and meet me here. I was beyond excited everytime I was going to meet her. I stood, leaning against my car with my hands inside my jacket's pockets. It would be easier and warmer if I just waited in the car but I didn't want to.

  As I heard the bell rang and students ran out of the front door, filling the hallway behind them. People think it was hard to find Valerie but it was not hard. I could easily find her in the group of girls and  crowd around her. She saw me and ignored what her friends were saying to her. I smiled at her. She smiled back, walked over to me and bit her lower lip. God, she was sexy.

  "Valerie Matthews," I said. "It's really nice meeting you her and I like the fact you ignored what your friends were saying to you after you saw me and I also like the fact that I can't even see anyone here when you're with me."

  She smiled. "Benjamin," she said. "I like the fact you waited for me right in front of the door like a Prince Charming."

  I laughed. "Thank you for calling me that."

  "Ugh, don't flatter yourself," she said, rolling her eyes. "Let's go get Kim."

  "Off we go." I opened the door for her and she ducked her head to climb in. I felt the other students looking at us but I never cared. I got on the driver's side and looked at Valerie, smiling.

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