Chapter Six

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   “Last practice is tomorrow, guys. Don’t forget that,” said Mr. Jo. We gathered in the volleyball court a few minutes to have this talk. “We can win the next game and we’re going to the final. We can do this. You hear me, Gladiators?”

   “We heard you, Coach!” we all said in a monotone and we applauded for ourselves. I pulled myself up to stand and shook hands with all the players, as I was their captain. Then, I went to my car to pick Kim up.

   It was 15.23 and I was pretty sure Kim would be bored as hell. She was out of school at 2 but I’d told her to wait for me picking her up. I just wanted to make sure that she’s fine and the situation was okay, and after that I could let her go to school and home by the school bus.

   I drove out of the school’s gate and passed Hillcrest High. I slowed down as searching for Valerie but no one was there. Maybe she was still inside the school, hanging out with her friends. So I kept driving with disappointment.

   I turned on the radio because I felt lonely and She Will Be Loved She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 came on. My favorite song, the song that never gets old with time. I sang it out loud.

   “…I’ve had you so many times but somehow I want moreeee…”

   “…I don’t mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring raaaiiinn. Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhileee…”

   “…And she willlll beee loveeeddd… She will beeee loveeeddd…” I sang at the top of my lungs. My voice was bad, really bad, even worse.

   I came to a stop in the red light when the song was over and another song I don’t recognize came on. I could’ve sworn my eyes were about to jump off when I saw a blonde-haired girl standing in the bus stop alone. It could be Valerie. I had to see if it was really her. The bus stop was after the traffic light and I had to drive straight to get to the bus stop. But I had to make a left to get Kim’s school.

   When the green light lit up, I hit the gas pedal and rushed to the bus stop before any bus could stop there. I pulled over right next to the bus stop and rolled down the window. It was Valerie, my Valerie, with a light brown shirt, jeans, and sneakers, slinging a canvas bag over her one shoulder. She looked beautiful, as always.

   “Hi,” I said, smiling.

   She looked a little surprise but she flashed me her smile. “Hey, Captain. What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here. It’s for buses.”

   “I know but I don’t care, anyway,” I said. “Hop in, I’ll give you a ride home.”

   She shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Thanks for the offer, by the way.”

   “Come on, Val, just this time.”

   “What about next time?”

   “Why next time if this time I am here?”

   She chuckled as looking away and shaking her head. “Okay, okay.” She stood up and I cheered inaudibly.

   She got on the passenger’s side, next to me, and buckled her seatbelt. Then, she looked at me, half smiling. “Let’s go, Captain.” And I grinned widely because I was too happy and I had Valerie in my car and she was smiling to me. “And, thank you, by the way.”

    “My pleasure,” I said. “If that’s okay with you, we’ll just stop by at my sister’s house to pick her up, it won’t be long.”

   She nodded lightly. “Of course, I wouldn’t mind.”

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