Chapter Twenty Four

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"Guys, it's speech time!" Austin exclaimed as he stormed inside the room. "Quick. Let's go."

  I grabbed Valerie's hand and walked peacefully and the others followed us from behind to the gym where our principal, Mr. Bridget, who loves travelling was on the stage, giving a speech about whatever he was thankful for. He said he was thankful for all the places he had been, for all the people he had ever met all over the world, for the food he had eaten because there were people out there who were thankful for he had eaten yesterday and that made them alive the next day. It was really touching and it made me realize that I still had so many to be thankful for and there was nothing that could make me think that my life was miserable. I didn't hear the rest of his speech because I was lost in my thoughts.

  George, as the student body president, was the next to give a speech. He didn't give a speech. He made jokes on the stage. He was a comedian up there and he made everybody laugh. But in the end, he said, "Be thankful and happy for everything we have because someone out there is happier with less than what we have right now. Good night."

  It was my turn to get on the stage but I felt nausea. I felt like my speech wasn't good enough. Mr. Bridget read two pages of paper typed nicely, George read his speech from his notebook, and me? I was just with a piece of a worn-out folded-many-times paper with my bad handwriting. I knew I had to get on because my name was being called many times and everyone's eyes were on me.

  "Ben," Valerie said. "Get on the stage. Are you okay?"

  "Yeah. I'm okay. I'll get on now."

  I walked towards the stage and up. I was here in the name of the volleyball team. I couldn't mess up.

  I held the microphone with my shaky hand and the other holding the worn-out paper of my speech.

  "H-Hi," I stuttered nervously. Everyone was looking at me. Even my girlfriend, my teammates, Mr. Jo, the principal, the teacher I hated. I saw Valerie smiled at me. She was my distraction. If I stared at her and focused on her, I wouldn't mind anything else. She was my strength. Her being here was all everything I ever needed to stand here, on the stage, in front of everyone. So I locked my eyes on her everytime I got too nervous to speak.

   "I'm Ben Miller. I happen to be the captain of our boys' volleyball team, who is now struggling really hard for the final match. Due to we are all gathered today, I would like it if you all give us your blessings for our school. I'm a senior and I want to leave a good legacy for this school because I haven't been nothing but a naughty student. But, things change, people change, and I change. Because of all of you.

  I'm thankful for the oxygen I breathe, the earth I stand on, the view I see, the people I love, the food I eat, the water I drink, the pillow I cuddle, the movies I watch, the lessons I learn, the prize I struggle for. Everything in life is worth the try. I am always thankful for everything I have in my life. Sometimes, I'm not. Because I want another things I don't have and I realize that I am lucky enough to be in my position and to think that there are many people out there who want to be in my place but they can't. We're humans. We want things we don't have. Jesus, this is ridiculously long. Sorry." Everyone laughed and it made me feel good.

  I continued, "Last words, I'm thankful for the girl I love. Valerie." I stared at her again. And now there were two spotlights. Me and her. "I happen to be one of the guys in this universe. I'm not the only guy. There are still any other guys who are smarter, nicer, taller, stronger, richer, cooler and the 'more' everything than me, yet you still chose. I'm thankful for that. And I will make you feel like you're the only girl in this world. I love you. And, thank you everyone. Good night."

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