Chapter Fourteen

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The next morning, I felt even more miserable than the day. I coughed and sneezed a lot. I got a high temperature. Yesterday was a rough day for me. Valerie knew about her becoming my bet and left me. She didn't trust me anymore. Thinking about that made my head hurt. I tried to sleep again but Kim came into my room.

  "Morning, Ben," she said.

  I tried to sit up but I was too weak to do that. "Hi, Kim," I said weakly with my crooked voice.

  "You're getting worse," she said.

  "Yes, I am." She sat at the edge of my bed. "I can't take you to school today. Perharps you can take the bus."

  "Okay, don't worry about me," she answered and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Go sleep, Ben. Be safe."

  I nodded and she walked out of my room, closing the door. I sneezed then blew my nose. My throat dried but I let it. I wanted to sleep again. I tried to keep my thoughts away from everything about Valerie, it hurt me even more knowing that she wouldn't want to be near me anymore. So I slept again until Kim went home from school.

  "Hello, you're awake," she said. "How are you feeling?"


  "Liar," she said, giggling. "I bought you some medicine on the way home and I brought Grandma Mags over to cook you chicken porridge. I have everything settled down, Ben. Now, will you come out?"

  I tried to sit up and realized I was able to do that. Kim held my hand, walked me out of my room and had me sat on the couch in the living room

  "Hello, Ben," greeted Grandma Mags from the kitchen.

  "Hi, Gran," I answered.

  I smelled something delicious even though it was just a chicken porridge. But I didn't feeling like eating again as I still didn't get my apetite back.

  I got up to my feet and walked to my room to get my blanket, then went back to the couch.

  I sneezed hard and blew my nose with a box of tissue beside me.

  Kim came in the living room, holding a tray in her hands and Grandma Mags behind her. She put the tray on the table and I saw what's on it. A bowl of chicken porridge, a glass of water and medicine.

  "For my beloved brother," said Kim, sitting next to me.

  "Mm, correction," I said. "For your sick brother."

  "Eat this," said Kim, handing me the bowl of chicken porridge. "Or you want me to feed you like a baby?"

  "Yes, please," I said, smiling.

  "Fine. I'm eighteen, you're nine, then," she said as she brought to my lips. I blew it a little and reached the food.

  "Hm, it's really good," I said and then, turned to Grandma Mags. "Thank you." She smiled. "Mm, Kim, I can eat by myself, I guess."

  I took the bowl from her hands and ate it slowly while Kim stood up to Grandma Mags. "We are going to watch Shrek as you finish your porridge."

  I only nodded. I enjoyed eating the porridge because it was really good and it felt so in my stomach. Kim put the DVD on the slot and we watched until I finished the whole porridge. Grandma Mags told me to drink the medicine and I did. At the middle of the movie, which was the coolest part and my favorite part, I felt sleepy. I said goodnight to them before going inside my room.

  I kind of felt better after eating maybe I could be better by tomorrow so that I could see Valerie and to her if she would listen. Ugh, this is so painful. I kissed her then she left me because she found out the worst part of me.

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