Chapter One

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   “Dude, that girl you picked was definitely a piece of cake!” I said with a tone of pride as putting my lunch tray on the table and a group of guys sitting at this table let out cheers. A big smile appeared on my face. I tossed my hand with a bunch of hands that were held up in the air at my direction. “You guys owe me 60 bucks for getting laid with her.”

    “What was that girl’s name again, Ben?” asked Dylan, the guy with brunette hair and the other guys turned their heads to me, waiting for my answer.

    “Stella,” I answered before shoving my lunch into my mouth and the guys cheered again. They cheer a lot.  After swallowing the food in my mouth, I continued. “That girl was sick. Totally. She drove me crazy all the time. Damn cheerleaders,” I cursed, remembering all stuffs she asked me to buy her and I was definitely rejecting to buy those things easily—of course with my gentle woos given to her and easily persuaded her.

    “She drove you crazy but you said she was a piece of cake?” asked Dylan, confusedly, his eyebrows coming together, deepening the lines on his forehead as he swung the white plastics fork between his long fingers back and forth.

    “Ben has this magical thing called woos,” answered Jake as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. “And those girls Ben had been with were all chickens who melted with his woos.”

    And they cheered loudly like cheerleaders.

    “Hey, Ben. Remember last month she had been stalking you around and you’d finally noticed her,” said Dylan again. This one was said by his slow voice so no one could hear him. No one else knew about this—except these guys I was talking to—and no one could have a little peak to know about this.

    Her name was Stella Jeffries and she was one of the cheerleaders in this school. She was a senior. I had known her since we were both freshmen. She had been following me around. Her friends had said that she liked me. That time I had won many bets from these guys and then these guys made her as my next bet.

    “Yeah, because of this 60 bucks bet!” cheered Collins, this one guy was from Jamaica. He was a really good rapper. I got along better with Collins than the other guys. We bonded really well. A guy beside Collins slapped his cheek playfully to say it out loud and Collins grinned widely.

    “And she must’ve been pretty amused after you finally did it with her,” said George, he was nominated as a student body president but he was so naughty. Maybe it made him look more attractive in those girls’ eyes.

    “For 60 bucks! Yes!” said all of them at the same time and they messed up my hair, cheered loudly like all those seniors do in the movies, pinched me cheek like I was a cute little baby boy. They put the money in front of me. 60 bucks for one girl.

    I smirked lightly, hearing their talks. I grabbed the money and put them in my wallet.

    I felt amazing. I always felt amazing. At least, these guys made me feel amazing and these guys were my friends, pals, mates, buddies or whatsoever you called them. We were in our senior year in a high school called Tretmont High—I don’t know what kind of name that was, maybe it was named after the street, Tretmont Street, I figured.

   As you had seen before, maybe you thought I was some kind of jock. But no, I was a bad guy. A bad one who bullied the freshmen, made fun of the sophomores and played around with the senior girls. I had never been a nice guy in this school.

    You probably also thought that a bad guy like me must have been in the basketball team as the captain because that’s what the most of the movies told us. No, I was in the volleyball team and I was the captain.

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