Chapter Twenty Three

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 As a teenage student, I would have wanted to skip school, sleep all day, watch movies, eat junk food, sleep, watch movies, and sleep again. But as much as I would've wanted to do those things, I realized there were other things lining up in front of me to be done. Study for final tests, volleyball training with the national team, and work at the cinema. I had to do at least the two of them but if I could the all three was no problem.

  So, I didn't escape from class to practice volleyball, instead I stayed in chemistry to focus on the final tests. Then, after school I went to BVC to have a volleyball training for an hour and went home to get ready for the party. I couldn't go to work. The party started at 7 and I had to pick Valerie up at 6, just like I had told her.

  Speaking of the party, George had reminded me, like, every second to prepare a speech in front of everyone on the name of Tretmont's Volleyball team who had come to the final match. I had prepared my speech in a piece of worn-out paper.

  I showered. I ate some biscuits and a glass of milk. I went inside Kim's room to tell her to get ready. I stayed inside my room to get dressed. I wanted to look right for Valerie because I knew she would do the same to me. I sprayed perfume on my body, then put on my tuxedo. The vest was peach in color, matching with Valerie's dress. The tie was peach, too. I might look too girly for a suited man but I liked it. We matched. I didn't bother to brush my hair, because it looked better in its messy way.

  "You look handsome, Ben!" Kim chirped when I came out of my room and met her in the living room.

  I laughed. "Thought I always am," I said. "Let's go."

  She got on the car while I locked the door. Then, I got on and drove away to Valerie's house. I was so excited to meet Valerie. It was our first party together and, just now I realized we hadn't had our first date.

  I knocked on the door with Kim beside me. Just like any other guys, I was excited and nervous. I wish I was good enough. The door opened and what appeared behind it was the familiar man who was her dad. I smiled and so did Kim.

  Nervous to meet her dad.

  I had met him several time, he'd even caught me kissing her at the backyard but that didn't decrease the lack of nerves I had when meeting him.

  "Evening, Sir," I greeted him and he replied me with a smile and said, "Please, come in."

  Her dad turned to Kim and I said, "This is my sister, Kim. She'll be here, playing with Kale while I'm gone." He nodded and called out for Valerie upstairs. 

  Kale appeared and greeted me. "Looking good, Ben," he said as putting one arm around Kim. They hadn't known each other but they would bond well. Valerie and I hadn't told her parents about my parents so we kind of lied. "Let's go upstairs, Kim. We don't want to disturb your brother, do we?"

  So they went upstairs and her mom came to me. "Ben, you look fairly handsome."

  And then, my eyes went around the room and locked at the stairs to find a girl walking down the stairs with a long peach dress and I suddenly forgot how to breathe. And say thank you to her mom.

  She smiled to me and my knees went weak. I was so in love.

  Love was the thing that made you go weak in your knees and made you forget how to breathe.

  Her mom stepped out from in front of me and she occupied the spot in front of me. I breathed in her scent.

  "You're so beautiful," I said softly to her. "I even forgot how to breathe."

  She chuckled. "Idiot. I noticed the last one easily." 

  I studied her figure. A pair of peach heels decorated her feet. The hem of the dress fell loosely right on her toes, the dress brushed the floor that she had to pull it up when she walked. Her left hand was holding a black coat. I bit my lower lip to handle the urge to kiss her. Her mom and dad were around. So I grabbed her hand and kissed her hand, then laced it with mine.

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