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Ohas p.o.v

I opened the file to know

Name:- Gia aggarwal

Age:- 21 years

Father's name:- Rakesh Aggarwal (working as a bank p.o in xxxx bank)

Mother's name:-Sanya Aggarwal (House wife)

Brother's name:-Saket Aggarwal (studying 12th)

College:- xxxxxxx college (1st year of MBA)

Seeing the college name my mind got struck their only.God!!!In that college only I studied,so my baby girl is studying in same as my mine.Intersting!!!

Knowing that my girl is studying there only my urge to see her increased.So I am thinking to visit my college.I took my phone and called a number.

"Mr.param i want u to cancel my morning schedule"

"But sir..."

"I don't want to listen anything just do as I say"

"Ok sir"

"And reach my home in an hour"

"Ok sir"

After one and half an hour
Sitting in my car i asked him to take me to my college.He look at me with surprise from car mirror then nodded his head.While i am checking my emials I heard


"Hmm" and I noticed that the car is moving slow.

"Mr.param is there any problem"

"No sir but.."

" Continue Mr.param"

"Sir actually u asked me to collect  details of a girl na sir, she is there " he said pointing towards his right side.

I immediately turned to right to see that my baby girl is standing with a middle aged man,may be talking.But when I saw down I saw her scooty lying on the road and then a bike was also lying to her opposite,may be they clashed each other.So i immediately got down and crossed the road to reach her, when I was near her I heard him scolding her , and my blood boiled listening him scolding her and about her parents upbringing also.So I quickly went near them and

"What is happening here"
Both turned their heads listening me and that man snapped
"Who are you"
Did he just snapped at me.I am going to kill him but no i shouldn't do that now my baby girl is watching me,and that to with shock.May be she recognised me and she is shocked to see me here.Anyway let's first solve this matter.And let's deal it calmly.

"I saw that your bike was lying down so I assumed may be you two got clashed so I came to help"

"Oh actually it was her mistake she dashed me"and I looked at her and she was bending her head and fidging with her fingers may be she is not comfortable in all this.Ok let's end this fastly but I should know whose mistake was it.So i turned to her side fully and asked her softly
"Is it right?"

And she slightly nodded her head in no.Thats it!!He is going to die now so i turned to his side before I could snap at him he said
"How dare u ,you first clashed to me and now you are lying,bloody girl"
And started to come near her, I immediately stood before her glaring at him.
"Stay away" i growled."and moreover why would she lie"
I turned towards her and  softly asked "tell me how this happened" and she looked at me with sad eyes ,i fisted my palms seeing that .He will pay for it.

After hesitating for some minutes she opened her mouth saying
" Actually I was turning to my left when I dashed into him but it was not my mistake he came in a wrong way and moreover it is one way"ok my baby girl is right it is a one way.I turned to him throwing deadly glares towards him
"Did you listen what she said, u are the wrong one here and moreover u were scolding her.But she didn't said anything back to u at all, atleast respect her for that and u are elder to her is this the way to talk to a girl, don't you have any manners.Just go away from here."He went by glaring at me.

And i immediately looked towards my P.A who was standing in a distance and was watching it. I signalled him with my eyes he understood my sign went to car to make calls.As i said he will pay for it .Bloody bastard!

I turned towards her to see her still bending her head and fidging her fingers so i said
"Don't listen to his words he was just showing all his frustrations on you,come on let's gets ur scooty up" saying that I went and lifted her scooty and when I checked for any damages ,her scooty's left side mirror was broken and left side of her scooty got cracks.While i was inspecting them I heard
"Thanks for that and it's okay I will manage you don't have to "

I looked into her eyes and was mesmerized. I was staring at her continuously and she again said "Thanks" . Then i came into my senses and said

"It's okay you don't have to say thanks to me and your scooty have cracks and side view mirror is damaged it will just take few hours to repair it and as i know there is one repair shop within 1km, don't worry my P.A will take care of it and I will drop you wherever you want"

She immediately said " you don't have to as i said i can manage on my own, my college is near only so I can really manage and you already helped me it's enough for me"

"Please don't say no as i said there is a shop within 1km so my P.A can take care of that I will drop you there and moreover it on my way only and if not you'll get late for your classes"

"But I really can...."

"As i said you will get late so let me drop you and don't worry your scooty will be in parking lot before you finish your classes" " I promise"

" Now come now" she was still hesitating to take my help so I  hold her wrist and started to take her to my car ,First she was shock to see me dragging her and is looking at me then our hands then my face and continued to do that till I made her sit in the passenger seat.Then i came to driver seat and started driving .But i should say I felt different when I touched her like this is my world ,with her .

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